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Human AU
Remus' POV
I sat up and looked around. All I could see was the pitch black that stretched out in front of me. I rubbed my eyes and looked around again but the darkness remained. I stood up anyway and started walking. It couldn't possibly go in forever. Right?

Finally I noticed a figure in front of me. I called out to them but they didn't seem to hear me. I called again and they turned around. When I saw their face I gasped. They looked like mannequin with a blank white face. There was no trace of a mouth, eyes, ears, or a nose. Their body was the same basic white with no defining features.

"Why would I want to be friends with you?" Their voice was emotionless, it seemed to come from everywhere and it echoed loudly. "You act weird and say uncomfortable things." Then it turned and ran away.

"Wait!" I called reaching my hand toward it but it was gone, disappearing into the darkness. Suddenly I was falling.

Logan's POV
I was awaken when I heard strange noises. I looked around and saw nothing. Assuming it was the wind I laid down and tired to go back to sleep. Then I heard it again. I looked over and I noticed Remus was tossing and turning. His eyebrows knitted together and his forehead was shiny with sweat. He was whining and moaning in his sleep. I rolled over so I was facing him and I wrapped my arms around him. I whispered things like "It's okay" or "I'm here" in his ear.

Eventually he calmed down. He cuddled into my arms and I smiled. I stroked the back of his head and soon I fell asleep too.

Short but sweet

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Short but sweet. :) If you guys have any ship request I will gladly take them! Have a good week kiddos!

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