My R

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(This is based of the song My R which is the video^.)
Human au
Warning:attempted suicide
Patton's POV
I held my letter in my hand as I made my way to the roof of my apartment building. I was so tired of living. I had a hard time achieving anything with my depression and loneliness. In addition my family disowned me for being gay. I pushed open heavy metal door and was shocked to see someone beat me here. My neighbor, Roman, stood at the railing staring at the concrete ground below. His brown hair blew in the breeze and I could see his shoulders shaking. I stuffed my note into my pocket.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked before he could doing anything. He sniffed but didn't turn around. My mind started jumping to conclusions I didn't like.

"I thought that he was the one. My happily ever after, but today he told me we're over," He cried. I felt many emotions mix inside me. Anger, that he ruined my chance. Sadness, that he wanted to end it all for some boy. Hope, that I could save him.

"Hey, don't do it please," I cried. He turned around and I could see the tears dripping down his face. "There other people that you will meet. You'll meet someone who will love and care for you more than that boy ever could." Roman smiled softly and wiped his tears with his sleeve.

"Thank you." Then he left, I stood on the roof alone. I sighed and left too. There was always tomorrow. I went back downstairs to my apartment. I left my note on my desk.

The next day I grabbed my note again and went up to the roof. I was surprised again to see some else up here. This time my friend, Virgil, stood on the opposite side of the railing. He looked up towards the sky. His hands gripped the metal railing.

"Hey, don't do it please!" I called to him. He turned his head turns me. His eyes were brimming with tears.

"Everyone ignores me! I don't fit in anywhere. I can't take it anymore," He said. His tears started to drip down his face making his eyeshadow run. Pain twisted in my chest as he looked away.

"Your friends still love you!" I cried out, "And your family too. I'm sure they are waiting for you now." He climbed back over the railing and hugged me. He whispered a thank you in my ear and left. Then I was left alone again. I went back to my apartment. I would try again tomorrow.

Tomorrow came and I went to the roof again hopefully for the final time. I nearly cried out in frustration when I saw another person had beat me here. My roommate, Janus, sat on the railing. His jacket was folded neatly on the roof. His fedora sat on top of it.

"Hey, don't do it please," I called to him. He didn't move or even acknowledge me. Panic blossomed in my chest and tears filled my eyes.

"I just want to stop the scars I get when I go home," He said softly turning his face to the side. I could see the burn that covered half of his face. I remembered when he told me the story of how he got it. His home caught fire and his family died leaving him alone. Every year he would visit their graves in the same town he grew up in.

"Please don't do it," I called again. He looked at the ground below and shifted his body towards the edge. "Please! I can't watch you do this!"
My tears streamed down my face as I waited for him to fall. Instead he climbed back over the edge. He picked up his jacket and hat.

"I guess it's just not my time," He said before leaving me alone on the roof once again. I waited a moment as I wiped my tears before going back to my apartment where Janus was already waiting.

The next day I went back up to the roof. To my delight there was no one there. I went to the edge and folded my cat hoodie neatly before placing it on the roof. I set my letter down and placed my glasses over it so it wouldn't blow away. I won't need them anyway. I climbed over the railing and looked up at the beautiful blue sky for the last time. My curly brown hair blew across my forehead from the cool spring breeze. Then I looked down to the concrete that waited below me. I took a deep breath and tears began to slowly drip down my face. I closed my eyes and let go of the railing. I could finally be free. As I began to lean forward someone wrapped their arms around me and pulled me back. I opened my eyes in shock and froze, staring at the world in front of me.

"Hey, don't do it please," Janus repeated the words I called to him only yesterday. His face was buried in the back of my shirt. I could feel his tears soaking through my shirt. Frustration returned to me. He ruined my chance again. I started to shake as my tears came faster.

"Please, Pat you helped us in our time of need. Let us help you," Virgil spoke up. Were they all here?

"Whatever's bothering you, we can help you through it," Roman said. I turned to face everyone. I wrapped my arms around Janus and sobbed into his shoulder. He helped me back over the railing and we both fell to our knees. Our embrace remained. Virgil and Roman joined our hug as I sobbed.

"It's okay, we're here for you," Janus said through his tears. I hugged him tighter. I didn't plan on letting go. Maybe they could help me. Maybe I won't be coming back to the roof tomorrow.

Have a good week kiddos!

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