Arranged marriage

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Royalty au
Roman's POV
I walked down the echoing marble halls of my father's palace. He said he wanted to talk to me but I can't imagine was it is. I made it to his office where he was waiting at his desk. His office was big like everything else in this castle. He had tall book shelves on opposite walls. He desk was in the middle of the room and behind him the wall was filled with windows that looked over the royal garden.

"You wished to see me father?" I asked. He looked up from his papers. His wavy chocolate hair had bits of gray mixed in it like his huge beard. His eyes were a murky green and his gold crown rested upon his head.

"Ah yes, Roman," He said with a deep voice, "I wanted to talk to you about some recent arrangements I made with King Damon. We agreed to unite our kingdoms through marriage! You will soon have a lovely wife by the name of Camilla."

"Wait what?" My mind felt numb as I processed the word that left his mouth. "I-I am to be married?" My father smiled happily.

"Yes! You will have a beautiful wife and our kingdom will have another ally!" My mind went to the peasant in the woods. "That is all I needed. You are excused."

"Thank you father," I said. I left his office numbly and once I was down the hall I broke into a run. I ran out of the castle and to my room. There I found my citizen clothes and I changed quickly before climbing out of my window. I made it to the bottom and bolted through the garden and into the forest. I slowed my pace once I got close to my favorite spot in the kingdom. It was close to the neighboring kingdom but it was amazing.

Fungi grew around the trunks of trees and colorful flowers were scattered across the forest floor. Sun light was filtered through the leaves casting a golden glow on everything, but the view wasn't my favorite part. A smile spread across my face when a short boy appeared through the trees, making me forget my past troubles. He had light curly hair and freckles dusted his face. Round glasses rested over his milky brown eyes. There was a gap between his two front teeth. He wore citizen cloths too.

"Thank goodness your here, Pat," I sighed with relief.

"What is it? Is there something wrong?" He asked with worry.

"My father is forcing me to marry," I exclaimed my anger returning, "I don't even know her or what she looks like!" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Oh no," He looked heart broken. I pulled him into a hug.

"I don't know what to do," I said with tears in my eyes, "I love you so much. I just wish I could choose my future for once and not what my father thinks it should be. I wish there was a way I could be with you." I could feel him crying, his tears soaking my shirt. I held him trying not to let my own tears fall. After awhile he sniffled and his tears slowed. He wiped his tears with his sleeves and glanced up at the sky.

"I've got to get back before my sister goes searching for me," He sighed sadly. I gave him a smile peck on the lips and let him leave my arms. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said quietly. Then he turned and left and I went the opposite way. I made it back to the castle and I climbed through my window. I changed back into my white uniform and red sash. I looked into my mirror and fixed my hair before leaving my room. I nearly ran into Remus, my brother.

"Father asked me to tell you that we are leaving into two days to meet your fiancé," Remus said.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I walked past him. I made my way to the library where the tales of daring princes who battled fearsome dragons could distract me of my misery. 

In two days we arrived at my fiancé's kingdom just like father said. I wore my usual uniform to show my kingdom's colors. We approached her castle and i grumbled quietly while looking out the window of the carriage. We arrived at the front stepped of the castle and father, mother, Remus, and I climbed out of the carriage.

When we got a look of the royal family my eyes widened. I had no interest in Princess Camilla but her brother , who stood formally next to her. Patton. He stared back at me with wide eyes. I forced my eyes away from him when his father, King Cassio, began to speak.

"This is my daughter, Camilla, and this is my wife Marigold. This is my son, Patton," He introduced his family. My father introduced our family and I bowed before Camilla.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," I said politely. She smiled and nodded.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." The two families began the walk into the castle and somewhere along the way Camilla's father suggested she give me a tour. She agreed and before we left I mouthed, meet me in the library in an hour to Patton he nodded softly and I let Camilla take me away down the long corridors of the castle.

An hour later I walked into the library looking for any sight of Patton. I found him towards the back, hidden by bookshelves.

"Why didn't you tell me?" We both asked at the same time.

"I wanted to be seen as someone's equal. Not some emotionless royal," I explained. Patton's gaze was soft.

"I didn't want to be know as Camilla's younger brother," Patton said, "I guess we both wanted to be seen as our own person, huh?"

"Yeah," I agreed. My expression brightened as I got an idea. "Maybe we can convince our parents to let us get married instead! We will still be joining our kingdoms through marriage so we can still be allies!"

"I don't think either of our parents would like idea of their sons being gay," Patton pointed out.

"But we have to try!" I argued, "We might have a chance to change their minds!"

"Okay... I just don't want anything bad to happen to you," Patton said with concern. I pulled him into a loving hug.

"I'll be fine. Let's go," I pulled away from him and interlaced our fingers. We walked through the halls at a brisk pace. We got to the meeting hall and we could hear our father's voices through the door. I looked to Patton who stared at the door nervously. "Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," He said. I pushed open the doors and our fathers stopped their conversation.

"I thought you were with Princess Camilla. Why are you interrupting our meeting?" My father asked.

"We need to talk to you," I said, "I don't want to marry Princess Camilla." I felt Patton squeeze my hand.

"What are you talking about?"

"I was wondering if we could make different marriage arrangements," I said. My nervousness began to set in.

"Oh? If this wedding is called off we will not be your ally," King Cassio said.

"I was wondering if I could marry Patton instead," I ignored him. Shock was written into both of their faces. "We both care about each very much and neither of us have to take the throne if you don't want us to. This way both families will still be united by marriage an both sides of the marriage will be happier. Please, father." They both were quiet for a moment.

"Is this what you want Patton?" King Cassio asked, his voice low. I squeezed his hand just as he did to me not long ago.

"Y-yes father, I love him," Patton smiled at me softly.

"I say we have some wedding arrangements to change," King Cassio smiled, "King Richard?" He looked at my father.

"I don't like the idea of two men getting married," He started, "But if it means my son can be happy and we gain a new ally then so be it."

"Thank you, father!" I exclaimed happily. I pulled Patton into my arms and spun him around. He giggled with the biggest smile on his face.

Happy Valentine's Day!! I hope everyone with a significant other can at least communicate in some way and all of the single Pringles work on self love! Have a good week kiddos!

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