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Warning:Hanahaki, blood
Patton's POV
I felt something tickle my throat and I tried to hold it back I couldn't stop myself from coughing until blue petals speckled with blood fell onto my pillow. I sat and stared a the soft petals. I heard of a disease where you coughed up petals but couldn't remember the name. I went to my computer and researched it and found the hanahaki disease.

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from unrequited love, where the patient's throat will fill up with flowers, they will then proceed to throw up, and cough up the petals, (sometimes even the flowers). One of the only ways for the disease to 'disappear' is if, the said person returns the feeling (it can't be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of love). The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings disappear along with the petals. If they choose nether options, or the feeling is not returned in time, then the patient's lungs will fill up with flowers, and will eventually suffocate.

I sat in shock. He doesn't feel the same? Why am I surprised? He says emotions are the bane of his existence and I'm literally Thomas' emotions. I cried quietly into my hands and I could feel more petals rise in my throat. I coughed harshly and they fell into my lap. Then there was a knock on my door. I swallowed the raw feeling in my throat.

"Are you okay? I heard a lot of coughing," Logan's voice called through the door. I could feel petals in my mouth again.

"Y-yeah, just choked on something I-I'm fine."

"Okay, just making sure." I heard him walk away and I went to my bathroom and locked the door. Hopefully it will be harder for them to hear me when I'm in here. The velvety blue petals fell to the tiled floor and I only cried more. An hour later I had stopped coughing and I cleaned up the the petals and blood. I left my room to make others lunch. Once I finished I left their plates and a note on the table.

Feeling a little sick so I'm resting in my room. Here's lunch. 😺

I returned to my room and hugged a cat plush on my bed. More petals rose in my throat.

Roman's POV
I ate my lunch with Logan and Virgil at the table. I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed Virgil snapping in front of my face.

"Earth to Roman. Are you in there?" He said. I blushed.

"Sorry I was thinking," I said.

"About what?" He asked.

"Uh," I thought back to my romantic fantasies of Virgil and I, "Emotions."

"The bane of my existence," Logan sighed.

"You should try accepting your feelings for once, nerdy wolverine," I said, "You might like it or maybe even get a crush!"

"I don't have time for dealing with 'crushes'. I have work to do and so do you," He straightened his tie.

"You have plenty of free time. You spend it reading or resolving that rubric cube a millions times," I whined.

"A million is an over reaction, but I'll think about it," He said. I smiled victoriously. Virgil looked at me in awe as we finished lunch.

Logan's POV
Once I returned to my room after lunch I thought about what Roman said. Though he is incredibly stupid most of the time he does have a point. Maybe feelings aren't a completely waste of time and maybe embracing them would help with my loneliness .

I went to my drawers in my desk and found a empty notebook and pencil. I wrote 'emotions' across the front. It's best to keep track of this incase it does go well. I opened to the first page and tried to think of things that made me happy.

Complex puzzles

Wait Patton? Why does Patton keep popping up in my mind. I decided to do some research. I found that we could be considered closer than just friends. More like best friends or even each others crush, though not serious. I decided to see what kind of feelings I had for Patton after my discovery so I went over to his room and knock on the door.

"Hello?" I waited for a response.

"J-just a moment!" I heard him call through the door. Soon it opened and I gasped. His hair was a mess and looked exhausted.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah of course. Just a little sick, nothing worry about." He gave a small smile, but there was something in his eyes that I couldn't identify.

"Well I'll leave you so you can get some rest," I said. He nodded and closed the door. Almost as soon as it shut I heard coughing. I return to my room research some more.

Virgil's POV
It's been a week since Patton got sick and Roman convinced Logan to accept his feelings. Logan spends more time in his room researching but I don't know what he's researching. Patton hasn't come out of his room since then, not even to make food.

I was walking down the hall one afternoon when I heard horrible coughing and hacking. I ran to Patton's room where I heard it coming from. I knocked on the door and got no reply.

"I'm coming in!" I called and pushed the door open. Patton was on the floor coughing and hacking with blood running down his chin. On the floor we're blue petals soaked in blood. My eyes widened and I ran to his side. I rubbed his back until the petals stopped coming.

"Are you okay?!"

"No," He cried, "H-Have you heard of  the hanahaki disease?" I nodded sadly.

"Who is it?"

"L-Logan," He sniffed and I hugged him.

"You need to tell him."

"I-I can't."

"Tell who, what?" Logan was standing in the doorway. He took in the scene and gasped. "W-what happened!? Are you two okay!?"

"Patton has Hanahaki disease," I said. Then I looked at Patton, "You need to tell him."

Patton's POV
"You need to tell him," Virgil told me sternly. At the thought of telling Logan my feelings I could feel petals in my throat once again. It was different this time. I couldn't breathe, it blocked any air from entering my lungs. I went into a coughing fit and Virgil was at my side immediately and he rubbed my back. I could feel Logan next to me, his hand placed firmly on my back. Instead of just petal an entire flower fell out my mouth. I sucked in a large gulp of air as I panted. I felt more blood dribbled down my chin.

"I-I love you, L-Logan," I said as I stared at the bloody flower on the floor. He didn't say anything and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I," He started, "I love you too." Everything seemed to stop. Almost immediately the pain in my throat and the burning in my lungs went away. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I was going to be okay.

Have a good week, kiddos!!

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