Saving you

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Soulmate au
When your born you have a black soulmate mark imprinted on your skin. It shows the first place your soulmate touches you. When you make contact with your soulmate your mark disappears.

Logan Bright was born with his mark covering his right hand. People liked to spread rumors saying he would hit his soulmate. He was worried the rumors might be true.

Virgil Sanders was born with his mark around his wrist. It was just a thick black ring around his wrist. He didn't know what to think about it.

Logan's brother, Roman, also had a soulmate mark covering his hand except it covered his left hand. He was also worried he would hit his soulmate. He usually wore a nice pair of gloves to cover it up.

Patton Sanders, Virgil's brother, was born with his mark covering his mouth. He had a hand print that went over his mouth and parts of his cheeks. He was scared of how he would meet his soulmate. He was afraid his soulmate would hurt him. Many other people believed that too and decided to bully him about it. So he covered up his soulmate mark with a mask.(like the ones everyone is wearing now. Lol) The mask was light gray and had a cute cat nose and mouth.


Patton POV
Today is my first day at a new school. We had to move because my bulling problem got really bad.

"Hope we make new friends," I say to my twin brother, Virgil. He shrugged. We were walking  because we lived close to the school. "What if you you meet your soulmate?"

"I doubt it," Virgil said. We said nothing of my soulmate. I was glad. We arrived at the school and we went to our lockers.

"It's so cool that our lockers are right next to each other," I smiled. I looked at my schedule. "I have math first, what about you?"


"Have good day, Virge!"

"You too, Pat," He smiled. I made my way down the hall I got to the class and I sat next to a kid who was sitting by himself. He was reading a thick book. He had a black shirt on and a blue tie. He also had glasses that looked like mine. I noticed his palm and the underside of his fingers were black.

"Hi! I'm Patton!" I introduced myself.

"Salutations, my name is Logan," He said formally. He looked back to his book.

"Whatcha reading?" I looked over his shoulder.

"It's a fascinating book about astronomy," He replied. Then the teacher walked in and he put his book away.


The bell rang and I gathered my things from science. It was  time for lunch and I was excited to ask Virgil about his morning.

"Would you like to sit with me for lunch?" Logan asked me as I swung my bag over my shoulder.

"Yes please! Can my brother sit with us?" I asked cheerfully.

"Of course." I followed him outside and I looked around for Virgil. I spotted him leaning against a wall away from everyone. I ran over to him and Logan waited for me.

"Virgil! Come with me. I made a friend and he invited me to sit with him," I tugged on his sleeve.

"I happy you made a friend. I made one too but his boyfriend has got something wrong in his head," Virgil chuckled.

"What is your friend's name?" I asked curiously as I led Virgil.

"Janus." We made back to Logan and I decided to introduce them.

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