Im cold

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Logan's POV
I walked into the apartment my boyfriend and I shared. It was the middle of winter and freezing. My car's heating doesn't work very well and so the entire car ride was cold. I'm getting a new car tomorrow, thank goodness. I walked past the kitchen to see Patton drying dishes.

"I'm cold," I say with a plan forming in my head.

"Hi cold, I'm Patton."

"Haha. Very funny," I fake laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"If you want you can wait in the living room. I'm just about done in here," Patton said.

"Sounds satisfactory." I went to sit on the couch and he came in soon after. Patton sat next to me and cuddled as close as humanly possible. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

After a half an hour of cuddling and talking about our day Patton asked, "Are you warm enough yet?"

"No," I squeezed him lightly and he giggled. I was plenty warm enough but I missed Patton's cuddles. My work days were long and usually went later but got out early today. I continued to tell him about my day. Later he asked again and my answer stayed the same. We only stopped cuddling to make and eat dinner.

As soon as we finished I pulled him onto couch with me again. "Your still not warm enough?" He asked.

"No," I said. An hour later Patton was asleep on my chest. He was so adorable sleeping. I leaned forward and I kissed him on the nose and soon after my eyes drifted shut.

 I leaned forward and I kissed him on the nose and soon after my eyes drifted shut

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Have a good week kiddos!

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