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Virgil's POV
I shot out of my seat as soon as the bell rang. I weaved through the sea of people to my locker. I grabbed my things and stuffed them into my bag. Then I made my way to my bus. As soon as I got to my seat I pulled out my earbuds. Death of a Bachelor disconnected me from the world around me.

Music helped my anxiety. It made me calmer and it helped me focus on something other than what my peers thought of me and if they were looking or not. I could relate to most of the songs I listened too which was nice to know I'm not weird for feeling the way I do.

The bus pulled to a stop and I climbed off. I got to my room and I started on homework. Since no one was home yet I let myself sing as loud as I wanted. I sang I See the Light from tangled. I finished the chorus and gasped when a new voice started to sing Flynn Rider's part.

His voice was beautiful and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. My eyes widened when they landed on my open window. I ran to it and looked out. A boy with soft brown hair and brown eyes was sitting on the grass. He wore a red leather jacket and a pair of Jeans. On his feet he wore red converses. He was smiling up at me. I wanted to compliment his singing but all that came out were stutters.

"Who are you?" I asked. I didn't mean to be so blunt.

"I am Roman Prince," He said standing up, "And you are?"

"V-virgil. Your singing is really nice,"I said.

"Thank you," He smiled charmingly, "Here." He handed me a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it to find a phone number. When I looked up he was running off. I smiled and closed my window.

I hope everyone had a good New Years! Have a good week, kiddos!

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I hope everyone had a good New Years! Have a good week, kiddos!

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