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No ones POV
"I'm bored," Virgil complained to his boyfriend, Roman. Virgil fell onto the prince's bed. Roman was at his desk writing ideas for the next Sanders Sides video.

"I'm sorry but I'm busy right now," Roman apologized.

"Let's make a bet," Virgil said ignoring Roman's statement. "If I can stay quiet longer than you, you have to hang out with me for the rest of the day."

"Okay, then if I win I get to dye your hair any color I want." Roman replied.

"Deal. We start in three, two, one," Virgil counted down.

An hour later and still not one of the two had spoken a peep. Roman finished thinking of ideas for the next video and started writing down story ideas. Virgil was looking through tumblr on his phone with his headphones plugged in. Both of them were so into their activities that they hardly remembered the bet.

Suddenly they heard Logan yell, "Patton, no!" The bedroom door was thrown open to reveal Patton smiling widely.

"Coffee is just bean water and tea is just leaf water," Patton exclaimed. Virgil took his headphones off.

"Patton, all drinks are just modified water," Logan appeared behind Patton in the doorway.

"What about milk?" Patton and Virgil exclaimed at once.

"Ha!" Roman yelled, "I win!" Logan lead Patton away trying to explain how technically there was water in milk. "I know exactly what color I'm dying your hair. Let's go."

Roman nearly had to drag Virgil to the bathroom. Roman got out bleach and his dye of choice.

Two and a half hours later Virgil's hair had not only been bleached blond but also dyed hot pink.

"I hate you," Virgil said after he got a look in the mirror. Roman laughed and Virgil pulled his hood over his head trying to hide his hair. Only his bangs were visible.

He stomped out of the bathroom hoping he could just hid in his room for the rest of his life. Unfortunately he ran into Patton.

"What happened to your-" Patton started.

"I lost a bet," Virgil interrupted.


"I don't want to talk about it." Virgil stomped the rest of the way to his room and spent to rest of the day listening to his music with the volume at its highest level.

Patton noticed that Virgil didn't come out for dinner that night so he decided to check on him.

"Kiddo, are you okay?" Patton knocked on the door. When Virgil didn't answer, Patton knock on the door again. Maybe he was asleep.

When Patton got no answer again he yelled through the door, "I'm coming in."

With out waiting for a response he opened the door. Virgil was laying on his back on his bed. His headphones were on and his eyes were closed. Patton would have thought he was asleep if it wasn't for his mouth moving, mutely singing to the lyrics.

Patton went to the bedside and sat on the side of the bed. Virgil opened his eyes and pulled off his headphones. Self cautiously he pulled his hood over his pink hair.

"Why didn't you come to dinner?" Patton asked.

"Stupid Roman made me loss a stupid bet. Then I started listening to music and lost track of time but it's Roman's fault." Virgil grumbled.

"You can't be mad at him too long. You did agree to the circumstances," Patton reasoned.

"I guess," Virgil shrugged.

"If it makes you feel better I brought you a hat to hide your hair with." Patton pulled a black beanie out of seemingly nowhere. Virgil smiles.

"Thanks, dad," Virgil sat up and hugged Patton.

"If you ever need anything just come to me, Kiddo." Patton returned the hug. "Now you need to get some dinner."

Virgil nodded and followed Patton to the kitchen.

Virgil nodded and followed Patton to the kitchen

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