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Patton's POV
My alarm clock beeped annoyingly in my ear but I was too nervous to notice. I made a plan to show Logan my feelings for him. I know he has a hard time detecting emotions so I wanted it to be obvious enough.

I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom for a shower. I came outwith my hair still damp and I made my way to the kitchen.

Logan was already awake and he was just sitting down with his toast and crofters like every morning. I sat down next to him as he took a bite.

"Can I try some?" I asked pointing to his toast. He swallowed before replying.

"Sure," He offered the toast to me but instead I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see the look on his face before he rejected me. The taste of his crofters was still present on his lips.

When I opened my eyes and leaned back Logan's face was bright red and his eyes were wide.

"I-I love you," I stuttered, "but I understand if you don't return my feels."

"Patton, I...I," Then Logan leaned over and kissed me softly. I was surprised at first but I soon melted into the kiss.

"Get a room!" Someone yelled. We pulled away from each other quickly to see Virgil rolling his eyes in the doorway and Roman chuckling next to him. My face grew hot and Logan's face turned a darker shade of red.

"It took you long enough," Roman laughed," You two are sooo obvious about your feelings towards each other."

"We can't be any more obvious than you and Virgil," Logan smirked, "Even I noticed and emotions are not my strong point figuratively." Both of their faces turned red and they both stuttered trying to deny their feelings.

"Yes Virgil you have my blessings," I laughed after ignoring their denial.

"Dad!" Virgil yelled his face turned even redder, if that's possible.

Have a good week, Kiddos!

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