Stay by my side

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Warning:car accident, death
Janus' POV

"Patton?" I got down on one knee and held up a small box. I opened it to reveal a ring with a plain band and a blue diamond heart on it. "Will you marry me?" One of his hands flew up to his mouth as tears of joy filled his eyes. His other hand held the basket from our picnic.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He exclaimed. I got up with a wide smile and slipped the ring on his finger. Then he pulled me into a kiss and I smiled. I pulled away resting my forehead on his. He whispered, "I'm so happy."

"Me too," I whispered back. We took in the moment for a while longer. Then we made our way out of the park and to our car. Smiles on both of our faces. He got into the drivers seat and I took the basket and put it in the trunk. Then I climbed into the car with him. He started to drive and neither of us could wipe the smiles off our faces.

"There's no one I'd rather spend the rest of my live with than you," I said. He opened his mouth to replied but got cut off when a truck collided with the side of the car.

I shot up gasping and looked around the room. I was in my bedroom at home and Patton lay right beside me. I sighed in relief and laid back down. I cuddled into his side. He was cold but that was normal for him. I felt him move.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

"Yeah, just a bad dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No I just want cuddle." He giggled and put his arm around me. I savored the moment and soon I forgot the details of my dream. I fell back into a peaceful sleep. The next morning we slept in. Him holding me in his arms. Then he decided to make breakfast as I got dressed.

I wore a yellow t-shirt with black jean pants. Then I wore a black leather jacket over it. I slipped on my wedding ring and the ring with the blue heart shaped diamond. I never knew why but Patton always insists I wear it. He always says it looks better on me but his statement never seemed right. I went downstairs where Patton was setting two plates of toast and egg on the table. I sat down with him and we ate quietly enjoying each others company.

Afterwards he went up stairs to get dressed and I cleaned the dishes. He came down with a light blue sweater that had a puppy on it and gray pants. He had a rainbow headband holding back his curly hair. A rainbow bracelet was around his wrist.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked as I finished the last of the dishes.

"Let's go somewhere. Like the park or the movies!" He exclaimed. We agreed to a movie and going out to dinner after. So we spent the rest of the morning tidying the house. At noon we had our lunch and for a while afterwards we cuddled.

After an hour or two we left to the cinema. We were going to watch the newest Disney film. When we arrived we paid for our tickets and popcorn and found ourselves a seat.

"I'm so excited. It looked so cool in all of the trailers," Patton said. Basically vibrating in his seat. I chuckled. Then the lights went dark and the movie started. As the movie progressed we ate our popcorn and held hands after. The end movie ended and Patton was beaming.

"It was even better than I thought it was going to be!" He said. I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.

"It was pretty good," I said, "Are you ready to go get dinner?"

"Yep!" He said. I loved his childishness. It's what makes him so adorable. We got to the car and I drove us to the restaurant. We got a table and soon a menu was brought to us. I noticed the waitress only brought one menu asked for a second one. She gave me a weird look before retrieving a second menu. Patton and I looked through our many choices.

"There's so much to choose from. I'm having a hard time deciding," I said.

"Me too," Patton agreed. We soon decide on a meal and began a conversation. I noticed people giving me weird looks but I couldn't understand what for. Little did I know I was sitting by myself, having a conversation with no one.

Have a good week, Kiddos!

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