Hold my hand

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No ones POV
Logan sat at his computer trying to finish his work before he had to retire for the night. Once he finished he saved his work and logged out of his computer.

"Can you come to bed it's getting late," Patton called to him. He was already laying in bed and was waiting for his boyfriend.

"Coming, love," Logan stood up and crawled under the covers. Patton immediately cuddled closer. They lay silently enjoying each other's company.

"Logan, I need you to promise that you'll hold my hand whenever I'm scared," Patton said breaking the silence.

"Of course," Logan replied. Patton grabbed Logan's hand and held it tightly. Logan looked around for anything that might have scared Patton but didn't find anything. "What are you scared of?"

"I'm scared if I let your hand go you'll disappear," Patton whispered.

"Patton, I promise I'll never leave you," Logan said pulling Patton closer to him.

"Thanks Logy," Patton smiled.

It's short but sweet. Today is FTM pride day! Have a good week kiddos!

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