Truth or dare

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Logan's POV
Patton and I lay in bed one night. We cuddled together as big hero six played on the tv. Soon the credits started playing.

"Can we play truth or dare?" Patton asked as he sat up.

"It's kind of late," I say looking at the clock.

"I know, just for a little while. Please?" Patton made puppy dog eyes. I smiled softly.

"Just for a little while," I sighed, "Truth or dare?"


"What's your greatest obsession?" I asked. He thought for a moment. I smiled at his adorable thinking face.

"You." He grinned. I blushed and smiled back. I kissed him gently on the forehead and he giggled. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to let me have a cat," He pulled on his cat hoodie. I chuckled and summoned a stuffed cat. "Awwww it so CUTE!!!"

"Shhhhh, not so loud it's late and the others might be sleeping," I held a finger to my lips.

"Oops, sorry," He smiled sheepishly. He put the gray stuffed cat in his cat pocket. Our game continue past a 'little while'. Fifty minutes later and it was my turn again.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.


"What's a secret no one knows about you?" I asked. He through for a moment.

"I- um I'm insecure about my body," He fidgeted with his hoodie strings.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Why would he be worried about his body? He was a healthy weight and didn't over or under eat.

"I'd rather not explain," He frowned.

"Please?" I held his hands gently.

"My cheeks are too round and my stomach sticks out too much a-and-" he started to cry. I hugged him as he hiccuped. He finished, "And my thighs are too fat."

"Your gorgeous they way you are," I rubbed his back. He cried harder.

"T-thank you, Logi," He cried. I cuddled him and rubbed his back to calm him down. Soon he was just sniffling.

"Do you want to go to bed now?" I asked. He nodded sleepily. We lay down and I held him close. "I love you and your beautiful the way you are, Cookie."

"Thank you so much. I love you too, Logi," He whispered. Then we both fell asleep.

Sorry it's short. This was based of something that actually happened with me and my friend and I kind of just wanted to write about it. Idk. It is a little different than the real thing because it actually happened over text and I had to change somethings to fit the story. Have a good week kiddos!

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