I promise

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Titanic au (Idk what to call it)
Logan's POV
I held onto Patton as we clung onto the railing. We were on the 'unsinkable' ship called the Titanic. It started to sink because it hit an iceberg. It tipped sideways and started sinking down into the depths of the ocean. Now everyone who were still alive on the ship were trying not to fall hundreds of feet into freezing water bellow.

"Hold on a little longer," I encouraged Patton. He had his arms wrapped tightly around me and I was using both hands to hold the railing above us. The boat was sinking fast and I didn't want to think about the cold water bellow us. My heart started to beat faster as I felt my hands slip. We were closer to the water but it was still a long way.

"I love you, Logi," Patton cried.

"Don't say good bye yet," I replied. Then I lost my grip and we fell to the icy water bellow.


When I opened my eyes I realized I was under water. It was so cold that it felt as if my skin was being stabbed by a thousands of knifes. My lungs burned and I felt the need for air. I swam to the surface as fast as I could. I coughed harshly in the cold air. I looked around frantically for Patton.

"PATTON!" I yelled. I couldn't see him anywhere. "PATTON!" I ducked underwater and looked around. I could see his motionless body floating about fifteen feet away. I swam to him and I wrapped my arm under both of his. I kicked hard and I brought both of us to the surface.

He coughed up water when the air hit his face. I swam over to a piece of drift wood and I pulled both of us onto it. I held Patton close to warm ourselves up.

"L-L-Logan?" Patton shivered.

"Y-yes?" I hugged him tighter.

"A-are we g-going to l-live?"

"O-of c-course, I p-promise y-you," I shivered, "R-remember w-what I t-told you e-earlier?"

"Women and children on the boats! Women and children only!" One of the crew yelled. Men, women, and children crowded the deck of the boat.

I held Patton's hand tightly as people pushed past us. I glanced at Patton to make sure he was okay. Pure terror was etched into his face.

"We're going to be okay I promise!" I shouted over the crowd. He looked at me and squeezed my hand in understanding.

"I-I'm t-tired, L-logi," He shivered only a few hours later even though it felt like an eternity.

"Y-you n-needed to s-stay a-awake, P-pat. I-if you f-fall a-asleep y-you m-might n-not w-wake up," I rubbed one of his arms, trying to get warmth into him. Then I heard something distant. I listened carefully. I heard it again. It sounded like someone was yelling.

"Is there... out there!?" I heard. Then it sounded closer, "Is there anyone out there!?" I could see a boat with a lantern on it.

"W-we're-" My voice was hoarse and quiet. I cleared my throat and tried again. "We're here!" I continued to call them. They seemed to get closer. "P-Pat t-they're c-coming."

"I-I d-don't k-know h-how m-much l-longer I-I c-can s-stay a-awake," His voice was so quiet it was almost nonexistent.

"J-just a l-little l-longer," I replied, "W-we're o-over h-here!" I waved on of my arms. Finally they made it to us. I lifted Patton up to them first. Then they pulled me up too. I wanted to thank them but my voice was gone.

I looked to Patton and I took in his blue lips, his pale face, the ice in his hair, and his tired eyes. I smiled weakly to him trying to say 'we made it' He smiled back just as weak.

Not so Fun fact: 1,500 people died on the titanic. Let's give them a moment of silence.

Should I write a part two with prinxiety? Comment here!

Have a good week, Kiddos!

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