Incorrect quotes #3

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Remus: I can't help but wonder why you chose me.
Janus: me neither.

Virgil: you look beautiful today
Roman: than-
Virgil: Ha! April fools!
Virgil: you look beautiful everyday.

Janus: what are you doing?
Remus, hanging upside down from monkey bars: trying to kiss you?
Janus: your going to fall
Remus: shut up and kiss me, I'm gettin lightheaded.

Roman: your staring again.
Logan: what?
Roman: Patton. You're practically drooling.
Logan:*wipes* no, I'm not, shut up, your insane!
Roman: yeah, your right, what would you ever see in Patton?
Logan: WHAT?!? Patton is amazing!!! Funny, beautiful, smart-
Logan: I can't believe I fell for that.

Roman: truth or dare?
Virgil:*exasperated* truth
Roman: do you want to kiss me?
Virgil: dare
Roman:*leans in* I dare you to kiss me
Virgil: never have I ever-
Roman:ThATs NOt ThE gAMe

Roman: Virgil hurry! There's a spider!
Virgil: KILL IT!
Virgil:*goes over cautiously to kill spider with shoe*
Spider:*grabs shoe*
Virgil: *runs out of room* SAVE YOURSELVES!

Logan: aw... I cut my finger...
Patton: *runs* wheeee oooooo wheeeee oooooo wheeeee oooooo
Logan: what?
Patton:*stops and puts a bandage to Logan's finger*
Patton:*runs again* wheeeee oooooo wheeeeee oooooo

Patton: have you ever had a boyfriend?
Logan: no
Patton: *generally surprised* HOW!?
Logan: *shrugs* I don't know, never asked, never got asked.
Patton:*under breath* but your so beautiful
Logan: what
Patton: what!?

Remus: *mockingly* you know you love me! You want to kiss me! You want to hug me!
Janus: * walks over to Remus and leans in like he is going to kiss him*
Remus:*stops talking expectantly*
Janus: *bites candy bar*

Remus: *mockingly* you know you love me! You want to kiss me! You want to hug me!Janus: * walks over to Remus and leans in like he is going to kiss him*Remus:*stops talking expectantly*Janus: *bites candy bar*

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