Thinking of You

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Warning:Remus, panic attack

Virgil's POV

I sat in my room thinking. For over a month one of the other sides has constantly been on my mind. Ever since the video about intrusive thoughts I couldn't stop think of him. I looked at the small storm cloud stitched to my hoodie. I could remember when he drew the design for me.

"Hello, Virgil," someone whispered behind my ear. I jumped and karate chopped who ever was behind me.

"Your stronger than you look," A sixteen year old Remus chuckled as he rubbed his arm where I hit him. I blushed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't realize it was you," I said quickly. He laughed.

"It was my fault I scared ya. Here," He held out a folded piece of paper abruptly. I gave him a look of confusion and took the paper from him. I unfolded it expecting some kind of prank. Instead I found a drawing of a purple cloud with a lightning bolt underneath it.

"Did you draw this?" I asked.

"Yeah I was thinking of logos for each of us and I thought this fit your gloomy and anxious attitude."

"I didn't know you could draw," I said with awe, ignoring his comment about my attitude.

"I may like to draw mature stuff but that's not all I do!" He said. I couldn't help but smile. He began rambling on and showing me the design for his own logo and his ideas for Janus'.

I thought about how I was closer with Remus than I was with Janus. Began to wonder why my relationship with Remus was so strong even though he had of his inappropriate jokes and pranks that always scared me. How did I manage to laugh with him afterwards like I wasn't just scared. Before I could wonder more fatigue consumed me and I fell asleep.

I groaned as another misfortune befell me. As if this day wasn't bad enough. Now my computer died in the middle of a project. I let out a frustrated sign and let my head drop into my hands. After a moment I climbed off of my desk where I sat criss crossed. I plugged my computer and let myself fall onto my bed. I sat up and grabbed the album that was sitting on the bed. I looked through pictures of when I still lived with the dark sides. I notice how happy we all looked. Remus' smile was so bright. It didn't look like that for the intrusive thoughts video.

"What if he hates me for leaving?" I thought aloud, "Are his smiles still this bright or has me leaving effected him more than I thought?" I started to panic. My breathing sped up. "I hurt Remus." Tears filled, my eyes and I felt like I couldn't breath.

Remus' POV
I whistled forbidden fruit as I made my way down the hall to annoy Roman. It was my job as his brother after all. My morning star rested over my shoulder in case I needed it. As I passed the only black door in the light side I paused. I could hear crying. I hesitated before knocking.

"Virgil? Are you okay?" I asked, but he didn't answer, "Are you having a panic attack?" A whimper came through the door. "I'm coming in!" I announced before pushing the door open. My heart broke at the sight before me. Virgil sat on his bed, his knees pulled up to his chest. His hands gripped his hair and tears ran down his face, ruining his eyeshadow. He was gasping and I noticed an album sat on the bed before him. I rushed over to his bed leaving my morning star in the doorway. Knowing that he didn't like physical contact while panicking, I sat next to him on the bed.

"Can you practice breathing in for four seconds?" I started and he gave the slightest nod, "then hold for seven seconds and out for eight." He struggled to regain his breathing and I quietly said some encouraging things. Slowly his breath started to even out and soon he was just hiccuping.

"Do you feel better?" I asked. He nodded a little. Then he surprised me with a hug. He buried his face in my shoulder and held on tight.

"I'm s-sorry," His voice was muffled by my shoulder.

"Why is that?" I asked. Why would he be sorry? He's done nothing wrong. 

"For leaving."

"Don't be sorry for that. You were unhappy in the dark side and your relationship with Janus wasn't the best. I was a little sad you left but also happy because I knew you would be happier with the light sides," I said.

"Why would my happiness make you happy?" He asked pulling away from me to look into my eyes.

"Because I love you," I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth with wide eyes. Both of our faces were bright red. I never felt flustered or embarrassed like this before. Virgil didn't say anything and my fears were being confirmed. He didn't feel the same...

"I love you too," He said. A smiled spread across my face and I pulled him into a hug. "Can I..." He trailed off but I knew what he meant. I nodded. Then he pulled me into one of the best kisses of my life.

Thank you minniechubs  for the idea! Happy Easter! (If you celebrate it) Have a good week, Kiddos!

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Thank you minniechubs for the idea! Happy Easter! (If you celebrate it) Have a good week, Kiddos!

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