Lost you

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Human au
Roman's POV
Virgil and I sat in the car listening to any Disney song that came on the radio. We were on our way to Logan and Patton's house to pick them up for a double date.

"Roman?" Virgil spoke up.

"Yes, love?" I replied.

"I have a bad feeling, like something is wrong." Virgil said worry showing in his voice.

"Do you know what's wrong specifically?" I asked. I knew when Virgil got these feels they were usually right. He shook his head.

"Do you want to cancel the date and go home?" Roman asked.

"No I feel like we need to go," Virgil replied.

"Okay," I said. Worry was now building in me too. We continued to ride silently, the only noise was the radio playing Disney music.

When we turned onto the road leading to Logan and Patton's house I noticed the door was open.

"Stay behind me," I said as we got out of the car. When we got to the door I bravely looked inside. The house had been destroyed. Small items scattered the floor and furniture was turned over.

"Logan? Patton?" I called out. When there was no reply the two of us rushed into the house. As I searched for Logan and Patton I noticed most of the house was wrecked like in the entrance.

"Do you hear something?" Virgil asked suddenly.

"No," I said. I strained to hear what Virgil was hearing and I heard crying. It was very faint though.

Both of us rushed towards the noise and it lead us to the bathroom. Virgil got there first and he froze in the doorway. I stood behind him and gasped at the sight.

The mirror that hung above the sink was on the floor with all the glass shattered. The shower curtains had been ripped down and a baseball bat was near the door. In the middle of the floor Logan sat holding Patton. He a few scratches on his arms probably from the mirror. Patton was sobbing loudly and held onto Logan tightly. He had no visible injuries. It looked like Logan was about to cry too.

"What happened?" I managed to whisper out. Logan looked up at me sadly.

"Patton thought he lost me," Logan's lip began to tremble and he kissed Patton on the head. I grabbed Virgils hand and together we hugged the couple on the floor.

Patton's POV (before Roman and Virgil came)
"You should start getting ready," Logan suggested. I went to my closet and pulled out a light blue long sleeve button up shirt and a pair of dress pants. I changed and went into the bathroom to check my hair.

Then I heard a knock at the front door.

"I think Roman and Virgil are early," I call to Logan.

"I'll get it," He says. I hear the door open as I check my hair one last time.

Suddenly Logan yells, "Patton hide!" I obey and run to our bedroom where it locks from the inside. I run in and lock the door. I stay close in case Logan needs to come in.

I hear yelling and things breaking through the door. Carefully I unlock the door and crack it open and look out to see a man with a knife. What if he hurt Logan!?

I closed the door and grabbed the baseball bat that we kept in the closet for some reason. Then I ran out and followed the yelling. Then I heard a crash, so I ran. My heart was pounding and my hands shook. I gripped the bat tighter.

I ran into the bathroom to find Logan backed against the sink with scratches on his arms and the mirror on the floor broken. The man had his back to me and he held the knife high in his hand.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted. The man turned to me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket with one of my hands while keeping the other gripped on the bat. "If you don't leave I-I'll call the police."

"Fine, I'll leave but I'll be back," he snarled. Then he ran out the door and into the road. I dropped the bat and ran to Logan. I hugged him tightly and began sobbing.  My knees gave out and we both sunk to the ground.

"I-I thought I-I lost y-you," I cried out.

"It's okay. I'm okay," Logan reassured me. He stroked his fingers through my hair as I continued to cry in his shoulder.

Soon Roman and Virgil arrived. After I finally calmed down. I cleaned Logan's scratches and put bandages over them. Then all four of us started to clean up the house, starting with the glass in the bathroom.

Once we finished I collapsed on the couch. "How about we watch a movie here for date night instead," I suggest tiredly.

"Sure," Roman shrugged and he sat on the couch too. Virgil sat in his lap and Roman started playing with Virgil's hair. Logan sat next to me and I cuddled closer into his side. He got the remove and started Aladdin. I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep listening to his heart beat.

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