Happy Birthday

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Virgil's POV
Today is the day I'm going to confess to my crush. It also happens to his birthday, which gives me an excuse to plan something for the two of us with out him getting suspicious. I walked downstairs to find Patton talking to Logan in the kitchen.

"Good morning Dad, Logan," I greeted them.

"Good morning Kiddo!" Patton chirped.

"Is the picnic basket ready?" I asked as I hopped up on the counter.

"Right here," Patton gestured to a basket behind where Logan was leaning against the counter. Before I could thank him Roman walked into the kitchen. "Happy birthday, Kiddo!"

"Happy birthday, Roman," Logan nodded to him.

"Happy birthday, Princey," I said.

"Thank you all," Roman smiled and he found a seat at the table. Both Logan and I joined him. Patton brought over a stack of pancakes and placed the in the middle of the table. He sat next to Logan and we all served ourselves. I stared at my pancakes as I tried to summon some confidence.

"I-I wondering if you would like to go on a picnic with me?" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Sure, that sounds great, what time?" Roman smiled.

"Noon," I said. I took a bite out of my pancakes.


"Are you ready?" I asked Roman. I held the picnic basket in one of my hands.

"Yes my emo nightmare," Roman smirked. I rolled my eyes while I fought my blush. We then ventured out into the imagination. I led him to a grassy hill covered in flowers. Mostly red because I know that's his favorite color. At the top of the hill was a tree with low branches. "It's beautiful." Roman smiled. I blushed.

I set the basket down at the top of the hill. I pulled out the blanket Patton packed and I spread it out on the ground. He joined me on the blanket and we ate a lunch of peanut butter and crofters sandwiches, chips, and carrots. (Patton insisted on something healthy.) We talked and laughed while we ate.

Then Roman chased me around the field with a hand full of whipped cream (which he summoned) He got me in the face and I took some and put it on his face in return. We were both laughing.

After we cleaned ourselves up Roman insisted on climbing the tree. I smirked and followed him up. He sang For Forever on the way up.

At the top he sang, "The sun shines on my face!" I laughed. I looked up at him from my branch. No way was I going up any higher.

"Don't fall, 'Evan'." I smirked. Then suddenly I hear a snap. The branch breaks. I yelled.

I hit the ground with a thud. The air is knocked from my lungs. I groaned.

"Are you okay!?" Roman rushed towards me. I sat up and winced.

"I think so," I move around to make none of my bones were broken. Luckily I only bruised my back.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have made you climb the tree," Roman apologized. I frowned.

"It wasn't your fault. I chose to climb up. You never made me do anything," I said. He smiled.

"Thanks." We went and laid on the blanket and watched the clouds as the sky started turn shades of pink and orange. I took a deep breath and tried to summon some more courage. It didn't work. So I took another breath. Then I took another one for good measures. I sat up and picked a piece of grass to fidget with.

"I have something to tell you," I said.

"What is it J. Delightful?"

"I-I like you... a lot," I said. I didn't look up in fear of how badly he would reject me. Roman didn't say anything. "I understand if you don't like me back. It's fine I just wanted you to know."

"I like you too," He said. I whipped my head up and looked at him wide eyed. He smiled softly at me.


"Really, my chemically imbalanced romance."

"C-can I kiss you?"

"Yes please." I leaned in and his lips met mine. I let my eyes shut and I felt his hand cup my cheek. I was in bliss. When we pulled back I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course," I smiled even wider and leaned in for another kiss.

Happy birthday Roman!! Today is polysexual pride day! Have a good week kiddos!!

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