I promise part 2

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Virgil's POV
"Slow down!" I laughed. Roman laughed and continued to drag me by the hand through the halls of the Titanic. He led us up to the deck of the boat. The moon shone brightly in the sky. The air was cold and crisp. The deck was abandoned, not a soul in sight.

"Come on, Virgil! Dance with me!" Roman let go of my hand and spun.

"There's no music," I pointed out. Roman smiled and he took my hand again. He began to hum a tune. He started to waltz around with me and I laughed.

We were interrupted when a huge shuddered ran through the boat. Roman and I held onto each other to stop ourselves from falling. It stopped and I looked to Roman with wide eyes. "What was that?"

"I don't know," He shook his head. I followed Roman as he set off along the deck. He found one of the crew members. "What just happened?"

"I'm not sure but its probably just a minor inconvenience. The crew will have it taken care of. I suggest you and your friend go inside. It's rather cold tonight," The man replied.


"Put on the life jacket," Roman handed me one of the life jackets that a crew member handed him. The man told us the ship was sinking and he gave us life jackets before rushing away. I obeyed Roman and slid the jacket on. "It's okay Virgil. I promise you will get off this boat, even if I don't."

Roman squeezed my hand. I hadn't even realized I was shaking until now. "Don't say that. Your going to get off too," I frowned.

"I'll get off too," He repeated, "I wonder if Logan and Patton know?" As if on queue Logan was in view with Patton in tow behind him.

"I assume you too have heard," He said looking at our life jackets. I nodded weakly. Logan continued, "I heard they are getting women and child onto the boats first. We might have to wait awhile."

"As soon as I can, I will get you on a boat," Roman reassured me. I smiled to him. People already were started to crowd the trying to get on the boats. We started to move away from the crowd but Patton and Logan got stuck behind. I held Roman's hand tightly in fear of being separated from him.


I held Roman tightly as we bobbed in the freezing water. The Titanic was gone in the depths of the ocean. We waited for a rescue boat, but none seemed to be coming.

"I-I d-don't think t-they're c-coming," I shivered as I held onto Roman. I could feel Roman shivering under my arms.

"T-they w-will. T-they j-jut n-need to g-get t-the b-boats r-ready," He said. His breath was frosty white in the air.

"T-they s-should be d-done by n-now," I argued.

"If t-they d-don't c-come I-I w-will s-swim y-you to l-land," Roman smiled. I rolled my eyes. Then something caught my eye. It was behind Roman. A light.

"R-Roman, l-look!" I pointed to the light. He jolted as if he fell asleep. "O-over h-here!" I called to them. He moved so we are both facing them. He yelled too. I waved one of my arms.

Then it seems as if they were going farther away. "T-they d-didn't h-hear u-us." Then Roman abruptly stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled. It was loud, high pitched, and it hurt my numb ears. The boat turned around and my heart leaped to my throat. "T-they are c-coming b-back." I smiled to Roman. My smile fell when I saw his half lidded eyes. His eyes don't seem focused and his breathing is incredibly slow. "R-Roman." I shake him. He blinks a few times and his eyes refocus. His eyes land on the boat.

"I-I t-told y-you I-I'd g-get y-you o-out a-alive," He smirked, but it was weak. The boat was closer and Roman and I attempted to paddle towards it. When they were close enough the pull us into the boat. I notice they have other people on. The two seem familiar. Then I realized it was Patton and Logan asleep under a blanket together. Roman and I sit next to them and we share our own blanket. I feel fatigue come over me and I lean into Roman's side.

I'm not sure if this is as good as the first part but I hoped you liked it. Have a good week kiddos!

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