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Virgil's POV
Sirens wailed in the distance. I was running from something. I looked behind me to see cops running after me. A brown sack was in one of my hands. What I stole was unknown by me. Another lucid dream. I decided to go along with the scene.

A man came out of an alley and ran with me. He was in all of my dreams but I didn't know his name. He never talked. He had soft brown hair and dark brown eyes. He always wore the same thing, a red leather jacket, jeans, and black converse. He grabbed my hand and we ducked into a nearby alley. The police ran by.

"What's your name?" I asked. He didn't say anything. I've asked before and got the same answer. He didn't let go of my hand. Usually in lucid dreams you can control everything and I could, except for the man. He began walking away leaving me behind.

"Wait, please tell me your name," I tried again. He smiled at me and left.

I woke up to my alarm blaring. I groaned and pressed the button. Groggily I got out of bed and dressed. I shuffled downstairs to the kitchen where my roommate was making breakfast.

"Good morning, Virgil," Logan greeted me. I didn't say anything and went straight for the coffee. I got my coffee and sat at the table. I sipped my coffee and soon Logan came in with two plates. He gave one to me and sat down with the other.

"Thanks," I grunted and I started on my eggs and bacon. I finished my breakfast and drank the rest of my coffee. "I'm going to work see ya later."

"Goodbye, Virgil. Have a good day."

"You too." I was out the door and into the crisp winter air. I worked at a local coffee shop and it wasn't far so I walked. Soon the shop came into sight but so did a man. He was familiar and he looked like- no it couldn't be. It's impossible...

Roman's POV
I wanted to go to a local coffee shop. I'd never been before and I wanted to try out their coffee. So I slipped on my red leather jacket and stepped out into the winter air. I walked to the coffee shop since it was only ten minutes away on foot.

As I got closer to the shop I noticed a man. He seemed familiar but he was to far away to make out any details. I got closer and he froze. Now I could make out his face and my heart stopped. He had dark brown hair and dark eyes. His skin was pale and he had black eyeshadow under his eyes. He wore black ripped jeans and a black hoodie. Black combat boots completed his emo look.

He was the man from my dreams, the one who never talked. How is this possible!? My mind made him up in a dream! I walked towards him and he stared at me in shock.

"E-excuse me. Have we meet you seen familiar," I asked him. He blinked a few times.

"This is going to sound weird but I've only seen you in my dreams," he said. My eyes widened.

"That's where I've seen you! I thought you couldn't talk!" I exclaimed.

"I thought you couldn't either," He replied, "I'm Virgil." He held out his hand. I grabbed it firmly and shook.


"How about I get you a free coffee. I work here so I can make you one," Virgil suggested.

"Thanks. I was planning on getting one anyway." We walked into the shop together.

" We walked into the shop together

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*Spoilers from the new ep.*
The new Asides episode was amazing!!!!! The animation looked awesome and the prinxiety was adorable. And Virgil's purple eye shadow!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I love that there was the perfect amount of angst because, let's face it the angst is inevitable. Have a good week kiddos!!!

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