Prinxiety Wedding

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No ones POV
The church was decorated with purples and reds, both of the grooms' favorite colors. At the podium Roman wore a black suit with a red tie and a white button up shirt. A purple flower was pinned on his shirt. Next to him stood, his best man, Thomas who also wore a black suit with a white shirt underneath. His tie was rainbow striped. The rows and rows of seats were filled with all kinds of Fanders, Janus and Remus.

Wedding music began to play signaling the start of the wedding. Logan walked in first. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and dark blue tie.

He is followed by @kiawiikitty who is the ring bearer. She wore a purple dress. At the top it started as dark purple and a it got lighted towards the bottom of the dress. The dress only had one thick strap over her shoulder. A thick white belt went around her waist. When she got to the end she stood next to Thomas.

Behind her the flower child came down the isle. minniechubs wore a white dress. The bottom was short in the front, it went to their knees. In the back it went to their heels. They wore a black leggings underneath. The top of the dress look like a button up shirt. Over their arms they wore a black tux. Their tie was purple and a corset like belt that went around their waist was also purple. They threw red and purple rose petals from their basket. At the end of the isle they stood next to Logan.

Then Patton and Virgil walked together. When Roman saw Virgil he gasped. Virgil wore a black tux with a purple tie. The button up shirt was black. A red flower was pinned on his jacket. His normal eyeshadow was replaced with dark purple over his eyelids.

Patton next to him was wearing a light blue dress. It had multiple layers and it went his knees. His arm was linked with Virgil's and it was obvious that he was trying not to cry. They got to the end of the isle and Patton went to sit with the sea of fanders.

"You look beautiful," Roman whispered to Virgil, his cheeks were red.

"You do too," Virgil whispered back with his cheeks equally red. The minister began and Roman and Virgil gazed into each other's eyes.

"Do you Roman Sanders, take Virgil Sanders to be your husband?" The minister asked.

"I do," Roman replied without breaking eye contact with Virgil.

"And do you Virgil Sanders take Roman Sanders to be your husband?"

"I do," Virgil smiled brightly as tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom." Roman and Virgil kissed and everyone cheered. The new couple pulled back breathless.

"I love you," Roman smiled his thumb caressed Virgil's cheek.

"Love you too," Then Virgil pulled Roman into another kiss.

I apologize if it wasn't very accurate. I'm not very good at writing weddings. Also go check out minniechubs they are have some good stories and they helped me with ideas for Virgil's outfit.

Have a good day, Kiddos!!

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