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No ones POV
Patton was bored. He didn't have anyone to hang out with. Virgil and Roman were cuddling and watching a Disney movie and Remus and Janus were walking somewhere in the imagination.

Patton went to find Logan. First he checked the logical side's room. He knocked and got no answer. He opened the door and peeked in and found the room empty.

Then he checked the common room which was also empty. He sighed and went outside. He looked around and noticed the hammock they put up between two trees had someone in it. He went over and found Logan reading in it.

"Hi Logan," Patton greeted him.

"Salutations Patton. What can I do for you?" Logan asked.

"I'm lonely. Everyone else is busy with their boyfriends," Patton said.

"Remus and Janus are both single," Logan pointed out.

"I know but they should get together," Patton said.

"You can lay in the hammock with me," Logan offered. Patton smiled and crawled into the hammock with him. Logan adjusted himself and Patton so that Patton was laying on his chest since the hammock was only so big. Logan continued to read but aloud instead so Patton could hear too.

Logan used his leg to rock the hammock. Soon Patton yawned and he closed his eyes. He fell asleep and Logan stopped reading aloud. He smiled at Patton's sleeping face and continued to read his book silently.


Roman and Virgil finished their movie and they decided to go outside on such a nice day. They went outside and Virgil spotted Logan and Patton.

"So what do-" Roman started. Virgil slapped his hand over Roman's mouth and pointed at the two. Then Virgil pulled out his phone and took a picture.

Logan also had fallen asleep. His book was open but it lay face down on Patton's back. Logan's hand was on top of the spine of the book. His other hand was on Patton's lower back. His leg still hung out of the hammock. One of Patton's arm was hanging out the side of the hammock. The other one was folded up by his side. They both had smiles on their faces.

"That's so cute!" Roman whisper shouted. Virgil nodded.

"They should ask each other out already," Virgil whispered.

"Yeah," Roman agreed, "Let's go find something to do so we don't wake them up." He dragged Virgil away from the two sides.

Does anyone want me to post a chapter with all of my sanders sides inktober drawings?

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Does anyone want me to post a chapter with all of my sanders sides inktober drawings?

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Have a good week, kiddos!

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