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(Human au)
No ones POV
Virgil Sanders was a seventeen year old who never talked. Instead he used sign language or wrote on a paper. No knew why he didn't talk. Was it because he was born mute? Was it because he got in an accident? Was it because he was in a traumatic experience? Was it because he was shy?

Roman Prince often wondered why. He created many possibilities in his head but he wasn't sure if any of them were right. Even if Virgil didn't talk and Roman only saw him from a distance he still thought Virgil was intriguing.

One day Roman noticed Virgil walking home and two big guys named Remus and Janus were following a distance behind but they were quickly gaining. Janus and Remus were commonly know for bullying.

Roman walked behind the bullies making sure to keep far enough away so they wouldn't notice him.

They disappeared behind a corner and when Roman peeked around the corner he saw that they had cornered Virgil. Virgil was looking up at the two and he was shaking with wide eyes. A bruise was already forming on one of his cheeks.

"Leave him alone," Roman revealed himself and he tried to stand tall. Remus and Janus both turned to him.

"And what are you going to do to stop us?" Janus sneered. Roman tried to think of a response.

"I-I'll call the police," He tried to keep the fear out of his voice. They started to laugh, but stopped when Roman pulled out his phone and went to call.

"Fine we'll leave," Janus sneered, "But this isn't the last you've seen of us, Virgil." Then the two walked away. Roman put his phone away and he went to Virgil, who was shaking.

"Are you okay?" Roman asked, looking up and down Virgil incase he had any other bruises. Virgil shrugged and he looked at the ground. "I'll walk you home incase those guys come back, if you want."

Virgil nodded but he refused to look at Roman. So they began walking in silence.

"Why don't you talk?" Roman asked, breaking the silence. Virgil didn't respond. "You can trust me" Roman said gently. Virgil thought for a moment. He took his sticky note pad and a pencil out of his pocket. He wrote something down and showed it to Roman. In neat hand writing it read, you have to promise not the tell ANYONE.

"I promise I won't tell a soul," Roman said, "I promise on theater. I never would break a promise on theater ever."

"Because of this," Virgil grumbled and he showed Roman his teeth. Two abnormal long and sharp canine teeth poked out of his mouth. Roman, instead of yelling insults like Virgil expected, began to squeal loudly.

"They're so CUTE!" He exclaimed. Virgil blushed. He tried to hide his smile under his hand.

"They're not that great," Virgil mumbled. A warm feeling grew in his chest. They arrived at Virgil's home and Virgil was about to go inside but Roman stopped him.

"Can I have your number?" Roman asked, "So we can be friends." Or more, he thought to himself.

"Sure," Virgil shrugged and he wrote his number on one of his sticky notes. "Here."

"See you at school tomorrow?" Roman asked.

"Yeah," Virgil smiled.

Sorry I couldn't think of a better ending. Also this was written before the new episode but instead of finding new names I just changed deceit to Janus. I'm lazy. -_- Have a good week kiddos!

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