Fun in the Sun

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I'm finally writing a fluffy chapter! No angst this time...Or is there?
Logan's POV
"Are you ready?" I asked my boyfriend who was double checking our things again.

"Just let me check our bags one more time," Virgil said rummaging though a yellow bag. I put my hands on his shoulders and gently pulled him away from the bag.

"You've already checked it five times. I'm sure we aren't forgetting anything. We don't want to be late anyway," I say giving him a reassuring smile. He gave me a small smile too. I gave him a kiss on the check and took the bag he was looking through, resting the handle over my shoulder. In the bag was beach towels, sunscreen, a book, and two pairs of short for us to change into afterwards. Virgil took the picnic basket that held our lunch.

We put our belongings in the trunk of our car and I took my spot in the driver's seat. Virgil sat next to me in the passenger's seat. We began our drive to the beach where we would meet Patton, Roman, Janus, and Remus. The lenses of my glasses tinted by itself, adjusting to the bright sun. I noticed Virgil pull his dark purple sunglasses off the top of his head to cover his eyes. We arrived at the beach and I could see the other four with their bags and towels. They were talking and I took the moment to see what they were wearing.

Roman wore red swimming trunks with golden crowns dotted on it. He had a plain white t-shirt on too. White sunglasses rested on his nose.He had his arm around Patton's waist, who was wearing baby blue swim shorts that had dogs and cats on it. He wore one of Roman's red t-shirts over it which was a little too big for him. A sun hat protected his eyes from the sun. Janus had yellow shorts with black accents and a black t-shirt. His black bowler hat sat on his head. Remus, who stood behind Janus with his arms wrapped around his stomach, had black swim shorts with lime green lightning patterns going up his leg. He had a green t-shirt that had an orange octopus on it. He had black sunglasses on. Virgil and I got our bags out of the trunk and went to join them.

"Everyone's here!" Patton exclaimed when he saw us.

"Lets go find a clear spot before too many people get here," Roman suggested and the rest of us agreed. Since it was still early so there were plenty of places to leave our bags and towels. We laid out our towels and placed our bags next to them. Virgil pulled off his black t-shirt, leaving him with only his plain black swim shorts. His skin was pale and looked paper white compared to the rest of us.

"Can you help me with the sunscreen?" He asked. I nodded and helped him covered his back and he helped me with mine.

"Are you two coming in the water with us?" Patton asked once everyone had ditched their shirts and put sunscreen on. He didn't have his glasses on so he was squinting at us. I noticed Janus was sitting on his beach towel with a glass of wine, a book, and his black hat was still on his head. A beach umbrella provided him with shade. Roman and Remus had already raced each other to the water.

"I'm going to stay here. I want to let my sunscreen have time to work and I have a good book with me," I said. I pulled out a thick book and opened it to where I had my book mark.

"I'll go with you," Virgil said with a shrug.

"Yay!" Patton beamed. Suddenly Roman came out of nowhere and picked up Patton who squeaked. Roman had Patton over his shoulder and he ran off to the water again. Patton giggled and tried to get Roman to put him down.

Roman's POV

"Roman put me down!" Patton giggled as he playfully hit my back. I splashed through the water, ignoring him with a smile on my face. "Roman, please!"

"As you wish," I smirked. I dropped him into the water with a splash. He sat up sputtering and laughing. His curly hair was sticking to his forehead. The water came up to his chest where I dropped him. Remus came and splashed me in the face suddenly. Virgil laughed at me and Patton giggled. Patton stood from the water, both of us now were dripping wet. I decided on revenge and splashed Remus in the face. Then I splashed at Virgil who gasped when it the water touched his skin.

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