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No ones POV
"Remus, go faster!" Janus exclaimed. He was trying to keep up with Remus as they were walking through the imagination. It was kind of like a date. Remus knew walks through the imagination calmed Janus and they were together romantically.

"Make me," Remus said wiggling his eye brows. Janus jogged to catch up.

"My legs are long I can't walk as slow as you," Janus hissed.

"Get some roller skates and hold on to my sleeve we don't have all day," Remus chuckled.

"No we don't!" Janus yelled. Moments later Janus was taller with the help of roller skates and he was clinging to Remus' arm to be dragged along.

"I love you," Janus grumbled.

"I love you too," Remus laughed, "Oh look a dead bird."

Some Demus for you sorry it's short (Like Deceit) Have a good week kiddos!

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Some Demus for you sorry it's short (Like Deceit) Have a good week kiddos!

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