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Soulmate au
Logan's POV
When you're born your soulmates first words to you are tattooed permanently in your skin.  I was born with the words "I can't believe dumbledore died" tattooed on my arm. I had no idea who this dumbledore was and I was worried for whoever they were.

As I got older and I started reading a book series called Harry Potter and I realized dumbledore was a character from the series. I enjoyed dumbledore because of his wisdom and the mystery behind his ways. But the series had been ruined for me from the knowledge of his death.

I sat in my car driving quietly to my destination. I arrived at the library like I did every saturday. I went in and grabbed the fifth harry potter off the shelf. I noticed that the sixth book was still missing. Ever since I started the third book I noticed the sixth book had been borrowed.

Once I had my book I found a comfortable chair in a secluded area. I read for only thirty minutes before I was interrupted. There was a person walking past my area. As he walked past he said, "I can't believe dumbledore died." The man didn't say it very loud but I could hear it.

"You! You're the one!" I whispered yelled as I jumped out of my seat.

"That's not how I imagined that being said," The man said after he looked at his arm. "I'm Patton Foster." He held hand out to me.

"Logan Berry," I shook Patton's hand.

"I'll get you coffee as a sorry for spoiling the book for you," Patton said when he noticed the book in my hand.

"That would be nice," I shrugged smiling.

 I changed some things in the prompt but for the most part I followed it

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I changed some things in the prompt but for the most part I followed it. Have a good week, Kiddos!

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