Incorrect quotes #2

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Roman: *points at Virgil*
Roman: :D
Roman: :D
Roman: :D
Virgil: *sighs*
Virgil: *monotone with deadpan expression* hot damn

Roman: we've know each other for a while now and I've been thinking it's time to take a step forward in our relationship.
Virgil: what?
Roman:*kneels down on one knee*
Roman: *pulls out sticky note* Here. My WiFi password

Virgil: no ones perfect
Roman: meh
Virgil:...what?! Tell me ONE who's perfect
Roman: you
Roman: you're perfect for me
Virgil:....... shut up you sap

Logan: your pretty dumb
Patton: oh why, thank you!
Logan: why are you thanking me? I just insulted you
Patton: all I heard was "your pretty"

Roman: c'mon Logan, if I'm going to get you a date I need to know what kind of person to hunt down.
Patton:*stumbles in almost tripping over his feet and looks disorganized*
Logan: that one, that's the one I want.
Roman: oh boy

Virgil:*is putting "sugar" in his coffee*
Roman: umm... babe?
Virgil: what?
Roman: That's salt... why are you putting salt in your coffee?
Virgil: *realizes his mistake*... I have no soul
Roman: that's really bad for you though
Virgil: *chugs boiling hot salted coffee* try me

Roman: Do you want to get a coffee some time, maybe?
Virgil: uh-ye-yeah
Roman: great! Um after school?
Virgil: yeah after it is... wait. You do mean that in a gay way right?
Roman: yes, in a gay way
Virgil: full homo?
Roman: full homosexual coffee date

Patton: well, I'm about to do something stupid
Logan: you're always doing something stupid how is this any different
Patton kisses Logan and leaves him sputtering and blushing and shocked.

Janus sees someone doing something idiotic: gosh what an idiot
Janus after realizing its Remus: oh no that's my idiot

Janus sees someone doing something idiotic: gosh what an idiotJanus after realizing its Remus: oh no that's my idiot

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Today is Biromantic pride! Have a good week kiddos!!

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Today is Biromantic pride! Have a good week kiddos!!

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