How many lives?

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Human au

Virgil's POV

As I walked through the crowded mall I anxiously pulled my sleeve down. I was following my brother, Remy, through the groups of people. I noticed people letting their marks show with nothing to worry about. Having numbers like two or three is normal, unlike mine. I pulled my sleeve down again. I grabbed Remy's sleeve so we wouldn't get separated and I could see his mark. Four. He has lived four different lives. Everyone has the number of lives they lived on their wrist. Normally people live five or six lives, but there are some who can live up to nineteen or twenty.

We finally made it to the Starbucks in the mall. That was always our first stop when Remy brought me to the mall with him. I waited patiently by the door while Remy made his order. Soon he came back with two coffees. One was some kind of iced coffee I couldn't remember the name of and the other one was just a plain black coffee.

"Here's your black coffee to match your soul," Remy said handing me the coffee. I smirked as I remembered our inside joke. The first time he decided to take me to the mall with him he brought me to get coffee and asked what kind I wanted. I replied, "black like my soul." He laughed and he likes to bring it up every time we get coffee.

"Where to next?" He asked.

"Hot topic," I smirked.

"How did I guess," He says sarcastically. I pulled my sleeve down and we began to weave our way through the mall. Finally we could see the words HOT TOPIC over the doorway. I let out a sign of relief as we stepped into the store. Not only was hot topic my favorite place in the store, it was hardly ever crowded. Remy went over to the the band t-shirts and admired a TOP shirt.

I went over to the jewelry and looked at some chokers since mine were getting worn out. Eventually I wandered over to the band t-shirts and I grabbed a new MCR shirt. After some more browsing and enjoying the music they played, Remy and I went to the cash register and paid for our stuff. As we made our way out of the store I finished my coffee and threw it in a near by garbage can. Remy began to lead me through the crowds again but he never told me where we were going. 

All of the sudden I was knocked off my feet. A man stood above me. He had a pair of glasses and a blue tie over a black shirt. He held a bag from the book store on the other side of the mall. He held out his hand to me.

"I apologize. I should have been watching where I was going," He said. I took his hand and I noticed him hesitate.  His eyes trained on my wrist. My exposed wrist. The infinity symbol was in plain sight. He pulled me up and I immediately pulled my sleeve back down. My face burned with embarrassment.

"I see you met Logan," Remy said to me appearing from somewhere behind the man he called Logan. Logan stared at me with a kind of wonder. "This is my little brother, Virgil."

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Logan said holding his hand out again.

"N-nice to meet you too," I shook his hand.

"How many lives have you seen?" Logan asked taking me by surprise. People can see their past lives in their dreams and usually each life is seen at least once in someone's dreams. I see a new life every night.

"More than I can count," I say. I was surprised by his curiousness. Normally people would think there was something wrong with me or there was a mistake and my number was supposed to be an eight. Some even think its fake and I hid my real number under make up or something.

"I have to get going. Have a good day," Logan said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"You too," Remy said and I waved quietly.

Later when we got home I was sitting in my room on my bed. Teenagers was playing in my headphones but my mind was else where. I was thinking of Logan and his genuine interest in how many lives I lived. Suddenly I had the desperate urge to talk to him again. I left my headphones on my bed and I went down the hall to Remy's room. I knocked on his door and he answered it almost immediately.

"What's the tea sis?" He asked.

"I was wondering if you had Logan's number?" As soon as the words left my mouth I realized I made a big mistake. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Do you already have a crush on Logan? You just met him!" Remy teased. I blushed a dark red.

"It's not like that! I just thought it was cool that he was interested in my lives," I said with a pout.

"No matter what you tell me I will not change my mind," Remy went in his room and I crossed my arms. He came back out with a sticky note, "Here is his number."

"Thanks," I grumbled and I grabbed the paper and returned to my room. I fell on my bed and pulled up messages on my phone. I typed in his number and wrote, Hey this is Virgil. Remy's brother. Then I pushed send before I could change my mind. I set my phone on my bed and stared at it waiting for a reply. After what felt like forever a ding rang out.

L:Salutations. Is there any reason you wanted to contact me?

I rolled my eyes at his formal way of talking with a smile on my face. I wrote back with excitement.

V:I was wondering if we could hang out sometime. You seemed interested in my past lives which is unusual

L:That would be delightful.

I grinned and we set up a time and place. We agreed on a small restaurant at the mall for next weekend. I could barely contain my excitement. I started to pace around my room. Why was I so excited? Usually I'm a nervous wreck when I have to interact with people I hardly know. I think back to what Remy said earlier. I couldn't possibly have a crush on him already, right? But he was good looking. I blushed and cleared the thoughts from my head. I had to at least get to know him first before I got feelings for him. I sat on the bed with a happy sigh.

 I sat on the bed with a happy sigh

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Have a good week Kiddos!

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