Welcome to Mexico

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Chapter one

Welcome to Mexico

Welcome to Mexico

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Flora looked around with her mouth open. It was her first time in Mexico and she was impressed with the living and the attitude of the people.

"This doesn't seem so bad," Stiles mumbled next to her as he looked at Lydia, who was currently watching Flora's 'awe' moment.

"It's not the town, it's the plan," Lydia argued.

Stiles raised his eyebrows. "What's wrong with the plan?"

Flora finally looked away from the group of girls she watched. "This could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with." She answered, her eyes on her ex-boyfriend.

The teenage boy looked down on Flora. "I'm aware it's not our best."

"We are going to die." Lydia acknowledged, staring at the two teens.

Flora sighed as she started walking. "Are you saying that as a Banshee or?" She looked at her best friend while walking next to Stiles.

Lydia snickered at the girl. "I'm saying it as a person who doesn't want to die."

The (now blonde - again) girl closed her mouth and hummed as she trailed behind the two of them.

The three of them separated from the pack maybe an hour ago to find a night club and after wandering around they finally found the place.

Lydia started to speak Spanish to the two guys who were standing in front of the doors while Stiles and Flora nervously smiled, hoping to get in.

One of the guys shook his head as he listened to the Strawberry blonde.

Stiles then pulled out a Tarot card and showed it to the two men who made him point it towards a security camera that was in the corner.

"Well, now that's what I like to see," Flora smirked as they let them in and she saw a huge nightclub, full of sweating people on the dance floor.

It's been a month since Allison's funeral & Isaac's leaving and Flora spent it clubbing and drinking. Sure, she spent some time with Lydia and her dad but the idea of drinking and dancing was too good. Plus she decided to go back to blonde - after Allison's passing, she refused to stay brunette.

Ian let her off the hook for the first time, because he knew what she went through (for God's sake, she lost two close friends and she even died), Lydia sometimes joined her and Stiles...well Stiles was scared to even talk to her about...their situation.

While Stiles & Lydia were wearing something casual, Flora stepped into the club in her golden mini dress & high heels, hoping to have some fun while they were searching for Derek.

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