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Chapter seventeen



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The girl groaned when she felt Stiles' body pull away. "Come back." She lifted her arm and tried to grab his bicep, her head buried in a pillow.

A hoarse chuckle escaped Stiles' mouth when he heard Flora's muffled voice and her head buried in one of his pillows. "We've been in bed the whole day, I promised dad that we would stop by at the station."

Flora groaned into the fabric of the pillow. "Maybe we could be a little late?" She suggested and bit her lip, looking the boy up and down.

Stiles' breath hitched in his throat as he thought about Flora's proposal. "We can shower together?" He nervously proposed.

Flora's lips turned into a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows.

"To save water, obviously," Stiles added, trying to hide his own smirk.

"Obviously." Flora mocked his voice and got up, putting her arms behind his neck. "You think about the environment so much." She mumbled and gently put her lips on his.

Stiles hummed into the kiss. "You know me, constantly saving the planet."

The girl deepened the kiss before yanking the towel from his hands. "As much as I respect your dedication, I'm not sharing my shower." She sassed and started walking towards the bathroom.

Stiles bit his lower lip as he watched the girl sway her hips while walking. "Nope." He announced and with one swift move turned the girl around and threw her around his shoulder. "We'll be saving the planet."

Flora hid her face behind her hands and giggled into Stiles' shoulder, letting him carry her into the bathroom. "So your dad has a date tonight huh." She started a conversation when Stiles turned on the shower, testing if the water was hot enough. "I was originally supposed to help the girls with teaching Malia how to drive, you know."

He hummed and took off his t-shirt. "That's why you're coming with me and Scott, you're better at compliments, at least that's what Scott said." He shrugged and helped Flora pull off her shirt, biting his tongue as he tried not to say anything about her 'teaching' someone to drive.

Flora grinned as she looked up at the boy. "I think I'm a better encourager than you, that's for sure." She bopped his nose and got into the shower, letting the boy in as well. "I'm so proud that you're not using the three in one body wash." She mumbled and handed him his shower gel.

"You didn't even give me a chance, you just threw it out when you first saw it," Stiles mumbled and reached for the shampoo since the girl was too small to reach for it.

Flora turned around. "Because it's disgusting, you need to take better care of yourself." She patted his cheek and then gave him her best puppy eyes. "Wash my hair please?"

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