The Downfall

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Chapter thirty-six

The Downfall

The Downfall

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Keeping the Dread Doctor was completely useless because Sebastien called for him, which led to him escaping and then dying on the steps of the Animal Clinic.

A person didn't need a supernatural hearing to catch up with the conversation that was happening outside of the building. The last Dread Doctor was Marcel, Sebastien's friend and the one who tried to cover for him all those years ago.

How he managed to survive all those years was a mystery to them.

After finding out that Mason was not fully gone (something that Flora loved to hear), that piece of his DNA was still inside which meant that there was still hope for the younger boy.

"Someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?" Liam blurted out, confused when he heard Deaton talk about changing a werewolf back to human when it hears its name.

Scott and Stiles anxiously looked at the girl that was standing between them. "Not someone." Scott piped up.

"Flora and Lydia."

Lydia was a Banshee and Flora looked exactly like the woman Sebastien loved, what could go wrong?

Well, a lot actually.

Flora separated from the boys and made her way to the station, knowing that her best friend was still there. She needed to tell her what they found out.

What the girl didn't expect to see was a French man sitting in front of Noah's desk in the Sheriff's Office. She had no problem with realizing who he was or what he was planning to do.

"Noah." The name left her mouth before she could even think about it. Her face stayed stern and harsh when the two males turned to her.

Noah's expressions showed her that he knew who he was dealing with and that he wanted her to get out of there, not wanting to see her hurt.

But Sebastien's face showed mostly shock and surprise, recognizing the face of his former lover and the mother of his child.

Flora proudly walked into the room, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart because she knew how easily Sebastien could hear it. "Stiles tried to get a hold of you." She continued talking, her eyes moving from her boyfriend's father to Sebastien. "I volunteered to bear the news."

"He already knows who I am, Mon chéri," Sebastien answered, his dark eyes on the girl.

Flora gulped when she heard the nickname he used to call Camellia, there it was.

He saw the dead woman in the young girl.

The French man looked at Flora and then at Noah. "That means you know what I'm capable of." He threatened.

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