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Chapter fifteen



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"Malia, Flora."

Flora stopped talking to the nurse and Malia put away her phone when they heard Stiles' voice.

The pack was now in the hospital dropping Liam off with his dad.

"If you were going away and I told you 'Don't worry, go have fun.' What would you think I was talking about?"

Flora scrunched her eyebrows as she realized that Scott probably said something similar to Kira when she was leaving for New York.

"Fun like bowling or sex with other guys?" Malia fired a little too fast.

Stiles clapped his hands and pointed at Flora. "What did I say to you when you went to New York?" He asked.

Flora looked up, trying to remember. "Enjoy New York, remember that boys there are scumbags and you hit the jackpot with me." She sighed, remembering the exact moment he said it.

Malia and Scott looked at Stiles with raised eyebrows, not knowing if the girl was serious or not.

"See?" Stiles clapped his hands. "That's what you say when your girlfriend is leaving."

Flora breathed through her nose and pushed Stiles out of the way, standing in front of Scott. "Not exactly." She looked at her boyfriend before looking at Scott. "It's Kira, you don't have to be worried about her, she likes you." She comforted the boy, patting him on his shoulder.

It took them at least two more minutes to notice a bunch of patients coming through the hospital door.

"There's a pile-up on hundred fifteen." Scott's mom answered when she saw their confused stares.

The teenagers knew that hundred fifteen was the only road that led from the Airport to Beacon Hills, which meant that Kira was stuck.

"I can get her." Scott confidently said, already ready to leave. "You guys head to the school." He ordered. "Lydia's probably already there, we will meet you at midnight."

"How are you gonna get to her in the middle of a traffic jam?" Stiles called out after his best friend.

"He has a motorcycle, remember?" Flora reminded him as she watched Scott leave. "Let's go before the rain starts." She nudged Malia and Stiles, following them out of the hospital.

The rain started pouring more and more as the three teenagers arrived at Beacon Hill's High.

Malia didn't hesitate to run while trying to reach Scott and Kira but Stiles snatched the old jacket he had in his trunk and held it above Flora's head, jogging toward the nearest roof.

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