All The Roads Lead Back to Mexico?

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Chapter twelve

All The Roads Lead Back to Mexico?

All The Roads Lead Back to Mexico?

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Flora tugged on Stiles' Lacrosse hoodie as she shivered on the bleachers. She sat between Stiles' father and her father while Malia sat behind her, occasionally asking her some questions.

The two teenagers felt anxious thanks to the fact that neither of them could see Scott or Kira - two important Lacrosse players.

"Stiles!" Flora called out when she noticed her boyfriend come to the field. "I'm going to wish him good luck." She said to the two males and without waiting for an answer ran towards the boy.

"Lovebirds." Ian Young chuckled and handed Noah a nonalcoholic beer, cheering together.

"Liam." Flora greeted the boy with a smile and then looked at Stiles. "Where the hell are Scott and Kira?"

Stiles frowned. "Hi Stiles, good luck the best boyfriend I could have, be careful on the field, you know how the opposite team can be..."

Flora rolled her eyes when Stiles started mocking her voice. "I would say all that afterward." She nudged him playfully. "But seriously, where are they?"

Stiles shrugged. "Scott is not answering my texts."

Liam sighed and shook his head. "We're gonna lose without him."

"No, we're not," Stiles argued and pointed at the teen. "We can be just as good without Scott."

Flora nodded with an encouraging smile. "Stiles has been practicing." She proudly grinned, putting her arm over Stiles' waist, squeezing him into a side hug.

Liam wanted to answer with a sarcastic remark but the sound of Coach's whistle made him shut up.

"That's my cue to leave." Flora let go of her boyfriend. "Don't forget to kick their asses and be careful." She pulled Liam for a hug and then turned to Stiles. "Same goes for you, stay safe, love you." She gave him a quick peck on his lips and then hurried back to the bleachers.

"Scott is not playing?" Noah asked when the girl sat back down.

"Uhm." Flora bit her lip as her eyes moved over the field, following the game. "He felt sick." She lied, grimacing when she saw her boyfriend get slammed to the ground by two players.

"I thought you said he was practicing?" Malia whispered into Flora's ear with an amused tone.

"He tried." She whispered back, wincing at the sight of her boyfriend.

The game was a total failure, the whole group that came to support Stiles was groaning as the team continued to lose.

After the Coach called out for a timeout, Stiles jogged towards his support group and put his hand on Noah's shoulder. "I'm going to go look for Scott."

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