The Carousel Never Stops Turning

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Chapter ten

The Carousel Never Stops Turning

The Carousel Never Stops Turning

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Derek dropped Flora off a little after midnight so she had to be really quiet while sneaking back into her room, which she did perfectly without waking up her father.

She grabbed a whole bottle of water on the way and tiredly walked into her bathroom, turning on the shower and disgustedly taking off her clothes that smelled like gasoline.

The shower wasn't too long, since the girl was too tired to even bother to shave or enjoy the pleasure that came with hot water on her skin. So after spending fifteen minutes in the shower she just grabbed a t-shirt she stole from Stiles, put it on, breathed in his cologne, and went to bed.

She barely managed to put her phone on a charger before passing out on her bed. But thanks to that decision, she was woken up at four-thirty in the morning by the ringtone she set up for Scott's number - 'I was a teenage werewolf' by The Cramps, something she thought was funny at first but when it was the first thing she heard after a good night's sleep without a nightmare, she wanted to throw that phone out of the window.

Flora was happy that she decided to pick up, though. Thanks to Scott's call she found out that Stiles and Lydia were almost killed in the Eichen House by Brunski while he was controlled by Meredith - someone who was supposed to be dead.

So Flora was currently sitting on the uncomfortable hospital chair in front of Stiles' room, waiting for Melissa's approval to go inside and see him.

It was at that moment when Flora realized that she almost lost him again and she refused to let some stupid feuds to let them die without talking to each other.

When Scott was explaining what happened to groggy Flora, it took her not even five minutes to brush her teeth, dress up, and successfully steal her dad's car so she could be at the hospital as quick as possible - something that will get her in a lot of trouble with her father, for sure.


The blonde stopped playing with her fingers and looked up when she heard the gentle voice of the woman that almost became like a mother figure to her. "Yeah?" She straightened up, waiting for Melissa's answer.

"You can go in." The older woman smiled and gently pushed the girl towards the hospital room, opening the door for her.

"You find a tape player?"

Flora heard Stiles' voice as Melissa entered the room when Flora refused to go in first.

"No." Melissa shook her head and took a step aside. "But I found someone looking for you." She smiled and stepped away, ignoring Stiles's confused stare.

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