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Chapter thirty-five



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"Never do that again, never!"

Flora kept patting Stiles' back as he held her tightly in his arms. "I won't." She croaked out, struggling to catch air.

Stiles didn't let go though. "It was irresponsible and stupid." He continued with his rant while he slowly pulled away, looking her in the eyes. "What was so important that you had to use your hippie powers on me, leave the school during a supernatural attack, and stole my jeep?"

Flora's lips curved in amusement when she listened to Stiles ramble, especially when she heard 'hippie powers' - something about that was funny to her. "Can I tell you later?" She dusted off the collar of his shirt. "I want to see the patient."

After Lydia and Flora stormed out, the two of them went their separate ways. Lydia went to get Parrish (not really explaining what happened) and Flora drove to Scott's house after receiving a text message from Stiles saying that they were there if she wanted to come.

Scott had a pretty violent duel with the Beast which meant he was injured - again.

Stiles let out a tired sigh but walked her towards Scott's room.

"I could try to heal you." Flora piped up when she saw him lying on the bed with blood on his face and few wounds on his upper torso.

The Alpha broke the kiss he shared with Kira and gave Flora a tired smile. "You know I wouldn't let you do that." He joked.

"Think about it." The girl grinned, trying to avoid looking at the blood. She and Kira exchanged nods, making Stiles close the door and leaving the couple in Scott's bedroom alone.

Flora's eyes went wide when she noticed Malia and Braeden standing in the hall. She still hasn't thought about Malia's confession because she didn't know how to feel about it.

"Hi." She awkwardly waved, not wanting to make Malia uncomfortable.

Flora knew that she couldn't control how she felt and there's no way she would hate or ignore her just because of that.

Malia avoided Flora's eye contact, only nodding her head.

"What?" Stiles spoke up when he felt the awkward tension between the girls. "Did we do something?"

"Tell them." Braeden nodded towards the couple, knowing about their situation.

Malia bit her lip and looked up. "You know how my mother wants to kill me?" She asked, her eyes falling on Stiles. "I think she might want to kill Flora and you too." She answered when Stiles nodded his head.

The Vila opened and closed her mouth, letting out a loud groan. "Another person wants to kill us, it's getting pretty repetitive."

"That's disconcerting." Stiles scrunched his eyebrows, his hand reaching for Flora's. "I should probably have a gun to protect us."

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