Stand By You

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Chapter twenty-one

Stand By You

Stand By You

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Stiles watched his girlfriend pick up dirty clothes from the floor of her room. The pair haven't talked on the way home and neither of them said anything when he followed Flora into her house.

"Here." The girl handed him one of his old t-shirts.

Stiles unsurely grabbed the piece of clothing from her hand, not knowing what to do. "Why are you giving me this?"

Flora looked at him with a tilted head. "To wear it to bed?" She chuckled. "I'm taking it back in the morning though, I like to wear it in bed when I'm not with you."

The boy's eyes softened, not even bothering to hide the smile that appeared on his face. "You do?"

"Yeah." Flora nodded, already walking around her room. She knew that Stiles started acting weird around her and she didn't want to think about what made him do it but it seemed like he was hurting. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I know." He sighed and got up. "I'm going to take a shower, yeah?" He announced and without even saying anything walked out of the room.

Flora bit her lip and got dressed into her pajamas, waiting for Stiles on her bed. The only person she talked to was Malia and only because the brunette texted her that Theo offered to give her a ride home, which led to her having a panic attack on the road, remembering the night of her car accident.

The pack would never catch a break from the supernatural and Flora was getting sick of it. All she wanted was to graduate high school, move out as Stiles was planning, and then live a stress-free life with her hyperactive boyfriend.

Was that too much to ask for?

"I'll never get used to running into your dad outside the bathroom."

Flora lifted her head from the phone screen and smiled. "Neither will he." She joked and patted the spot next to her. "Let's go to sleep."

She didn't have to tell that to the boy twice, he didn't hesitate to carefully lay down next to her, trying to put his arm around her without wincing in pain. He couldn't hold in a groan after Flora put her head on his shoulder though, revealing that something was definitely wrong.

"Okay, take off your t-shirt, now." The girl ordered, sitting up.

"What?" He gave her an offended look, putting his arms over his chest, demonstrating that he wouldn't take off the piece of clothing.

Flora turned on the lamp next to her bed and crossed her arms. "I can move past you being jumpy and avoiding me or my touch but I refuse to watch you pretend like nothing is wrong because something is obviously wrong with your shoulder." She tried to touch his hand but the boy jumped away, ignoring her pleading look.

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