Back To Normal?

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Chapter thirty-two

Back To Normal?

Back To Normal?

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Flora winced and grabbed her head after she chuckled. She still struggled with the pain but the sight of Stiles confusedly looking around his room just so he could figure out where he should put the plants he brought from her house was worth every single headache.

"You don't have to bring me everything I own." She spoke up, surprising him.

Stiles volunteered to bring everything Flora needed to his room because he knew that she wasn't comfortable with seeing Ian yet.

"You're awake." He softly smiled and walked towards the bed. "How are you feeling?"

The girl bit her lip. "Like a shit." She admitted with a snicker.

After Stiles brought her from the Animal Clinic, he filled the bathtub in his bathroom with warm water and some bubbly soap so he could give the girl a nice bath.

Flora wasn't capable of washing herself fully, thanks to all the bruises and dizziness, so he set her down and gently washed her hair and her body.

He wouldn't let it show but he was wincing with her every time she showed that it hurt. The girl looked worse than he thought she would look; purple bruises from the leather straps that were keeping her still, smaller bruises on her arms from the needles, and even a handprint on her thigh - something that made Stiles clench his jaw even more.

But after the pleasant bath, she went directly to bed and slept for almost two days straight.

Stiles took that time to go to her house and pack her some stuff she might need, which led to him bringing almost her whole bedroom. Ian made him promise that he would update him about every single thing and Stiles agreed, he had no intention to keep Flora from her father, even if he made a mistake.

"You look pretty." He complimented her and softly kissed her forehead.

Flora closed her eyes, enjoying the soft touch of Stiles' lips. "You need glasses." She joked and playfully tapped his cheek. "You seriously didn't need to bring everything."

Stiles followed her gaze and scrunched his eyebrows when he saw ten boxes and a whole jungle in the corner. "You don't know what you're going to need." He defended his actions before lifting the plant he had in his hands. "Now, does this one needs sunlight?"

The blonde tiredly raised her eyebrows. "Every plant needs sunlight, Stiles." She snorted and put her hands beside her, ready to get up.

"No, no, no." He stopped her and carefully laid her back down, ignoring her groan. "You need to relax and take a break."

Flora sighed and let her head hit the pillow. "You carried so many things, let me at least help you." She implored, trying to give him her best 'puppy eyes'.

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