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Chapter sixteen



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Flora hated senior year already.

The girl blinked a couple of times as her eyes adjusted when she stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom. She respected her 'first-day tradition', so she got up early to doll up and even managed to take a hot shower; which was a surprise because she could barely keep her eyes open.

It felt like old times - Lydia called her, asking her what she was wearing, and then gave her some advice on how she should do her hair and make-up. It was a nice feeling but even though it all, Flora couldn't help and slowly slip into her pessimistic self, wondering how long until everything goes wrong again.


The Vila jumped when she heard her father's voice and a knock on her bedroom door. "Yeah?" She called out, putting down her curler.

"Stiles is downstairs, waiting for you."

A grin appeared on Flora's face. "I'll be down in five!" She yelled, putting on her darker lipstick, smiling at herself in the mirror.

Her hands ran over the fabric of her light blue summer dress and her eyes followed her whole outfit, wondering if it wasn't too much.

She shook her head, getting rid of her negative thoughts and after fixing her white eyeliner she leaned for her tote bag, ready to leave.

Her fingers played with the car keys in her hands, signalizing the boy downstairs that today was the day when he's going to be sitting on the passenger seat, which made him nervously gulp.

"Hey." Flora greeted the boy with a kiss on the cheek and then walked towards her father, seeing a small 'Hi' while reaching for a granola bar.

Stiles' face light up after the kiss but he stayed silent and continued to sip on the coffee Flora's dad gave him.

"You driving to school?" Ian interrogated the girl when he saw the keys on the table.

Flora hummed and sat next to Stiles. "Stiles is letting me drive us to school." She proudly announced.

The two males exchanged glances; one of them scared and the other one impressed.

"Your first, big drive." Ian awkwardly stated, still feeling skeptical about his daughter's driving. The last time he saw her drive, she accidentally backed into a trashcan they had in front of the house.

Flora sat up straight, nodding. "Stiles was pretty excited when I told him I was going to drive us."

Ian's eyes moved to Stiles' face, trying not to laugh at his grimace. The boy's face was a mix of terror and regret, almost jumping when Fora grabbed the keys from the table.

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