New normal

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Chapter three

New normal

New normal

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Someone stole 117 million dollars from the Hale vault that was under the school's basement and Derek was back to his old self while Flora was unconscious in the backseat of Stiles' jeep.

While the teenage girl laid on the leather seats of a really old jeep, one werewolf came back to his older self, one werewolf from the same family got robbed, and one family in Beacon Hills got brutally murdered.

So when Ian Young watched his only kid wake up the next morning (of course, neither of them knew that a killing spree just started) he let out a sigh of relief and sent a short message to Isaac Lahey and Stiles Stilinski that Flora was okay.

"I'm going to be late, I promised Malia that I would help her with math." She lied, not really wanting a company.

The middle-aged man chuckled as the blonde girl stumbled out of her bed. "Take a breath, you fell and hit your head pretty hard, you're lucky that Stiles found you."

Flora stopped in front of the door to the bathroom and felt her lips twitch; Stiles didn't say anything about what really happened because he knew how her father would react. She needed to thank him for that.

"I'm fine dad." Flora turned and smiled. "Just going to ditch heels today." She joked and disappeared behind the bathroom doors, finally catching a breath when she realized that she was alone.

"Isaac's saying 'hi'!" Ian raised his voice behind the closed doors. Of course, the two of them continued to message, neither of them wanted to break the contact; Isaac loved having a parental figure while Ian loved having a son. "I'm going to make a tea." The man whispered and left Flora's room, knowing that she wanted to be alone.

The teenage girl slid down the locked doors and sat on the cold ground with her head in her hands, trying to ignore the headache she had from the hit.

Her eyelids closed while she breathed in and out, trying to control her emotions. Everything happened so fast just in a couple of months and the pack didn't even have the time to process most of those things before going back to the supernatural world.

Especially Flora.

As much she wanted to curse Kate for hitting her, she felt relief that ever since her 'rise from the dead' she didn't have a nightmare thanks to the wound on the back of her head.

The nightmares were always the same - dying again on the cold cement ground with a knife in her stomach, seeing Allison, defeating Kamila after months of haunting (which was something Flora still didn't understand), and then seeing the Nogitsune again.

Flora hated to admit it, but as much she loved Stiles, she still saw the Nogitsune.

Why wasn't the pack breaking? Everyone pretended as nothing happened and that made Flora feel...hurt.

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