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Chapter six



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Flora stayed quiet as she watched the teenage girl that sat next to her during the Lacrosse game getting arrested.

She knew she had a bad feeling about Violet and it came true because the younger girl tried to kill Scott...with a termo-cut necklace that decapitated Demarco just five nights ago.

The blonde stayed in the back, behind all the chaos, watching the scene in front of her. Her brown eyes were just staring at the people and officers that were handling the crime scene, not even bothering to focus on it.
She chewed on her lower lip, trying to ignore the bad taste in her mouth and a weird feeling in her stomach.

Flora didn't even know how to react to the fact that her name broke another part of the list. She ran out of reactions months ago.

As a quiet sigh escaped her lips a silent tear fell out of her right eye, which she quickly wiped away.

She stopped caring about herself and her safety a long time ago, but if her name brought another list of people that could get murdered...yeah, that was on her - at least that's what the seventeen-year-old girl thought.

Maybe her mother was right that day she killed herself. Flora wasn't made for this world, always finding herself in the middle of chaos, possibly making it even worse for others. The more she wanted to help, the more she seemed to mess up.

"Your name broke a third of the list, Flora."

Stiles' voice kept replaying in her head as she tried so hard to focus on the fact that her Alpha friend was attacked by some younger girl.

She wished she stayed dead, so she could just leave all of this alone.

Was that selfish thinking? Yes, probably.

Did Flora care? No, not anymore.

The girl stayed behind as her boyfriend (?) left with Brett to get Deaton's help at the animal clinic because he got stabbed with some type of wolfsbane and Scott talked to his father while Violet was getting arrested.


The girl whipped her head towards the male voice and smiled a little. "Mr. Stilinski." She acknowledged the man she knew ever since she was a little.

Noah Stilinski gave her an awkward smile with raised eyebrows. "Stiles told me to give you a ride home."

"Oh." Flora grimaced. "Really?"

"Yeah." The older Stilinski nodded. "He told me what happened."

The girl gulped and silently followed the guy into the police car. The ride was incredibly awkward as neither of them knew what to say.

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