Younger Now

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Chapter two

Younger Now

Younger Now

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Flora held her long skirt as she tried to catch up with the two teenage boys as they walked up the school stairs.

It's been a couple of hours since they left baby Derek at the Animal clinic with Deaton and Lydia while the rest of the pack had no other choice but to go to school. And thanks to her sneaking skills, Flora managed to miss her father the night before and even that morning.

"I wake up and she's just lying right next to me. She just sneaks in, that was, like, five times a week."

Flora's breath hitched as she managed to catch up and hear what Stiles said.

"And then what happens?" Scott asked, not noticing the blonde behind him.

An annoyed sigh escaped Stiles' mouth as he lifted the back of his shirt, revealing his back covered in scratches. "This."

The girl looked at her feet, trying to ignore the weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, and rushes past to boys, quickly sitting in her seat, which was sadly right in front of Stiles and across from Malia.

Flora knew she couldn't blame the new girl, because she spent a huge amount of time as a coyote and had no idea what was right and what was wrong (and she even apologized to her in Mexico) but she still felt insecure and hurt about the whole situation.

Stiles facepalmed and ran a hand across his face when he saw how Flora stormed next to them. "Fuck." He cursed, watching the girl. "Do you think she heard?" He turned his head at Scott, who only grimaced, showing that she heard.

"Maybe you should tell her about what happened in the Eichen House, she deserves to know," Scott advised, slowly following his best friend into the classroom.

Stiles shook his head at Scott's advice. "No, she can't know, she didn't deserve that, and I don't want her to think that I did it for revenge." He whispered as they approached Scott's desk, not wanting the girl to hear.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Didn't you?" He raised his eyebrows as both of them sat down.

Stiles pulled his history book on the table, watching the back of Flora's head, smiling a little when he saw the butterfly clips in her braided hair. "Yeah, but it's different now."

Scott opened his mouth, ready to tease his best friend but Mr. Yukimura was faster, welcoming the class and already asking questions.

"Who was he?" The man asked after giving hints about a president he would teach the class about. "Malia."

Flora put her hand down and looked at the girl, giggling a little when Malia looked up from her notes with a yellow highlighter in her mouth.

While Kira's dad waited for an answer Scott's phone started ringing on his desk.

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