Right Where You Left Me

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Chapter twenty-four

Right Where You Left Me

Right Where You Left Me

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It's been five days since Kira left, since they saw any new Chimeras, and since something has changed.

Flora could feel it.

Something was different in the air around them and it made her feel uneasy.

The world seemed darker, emptier, and lifeless.

The girl noticed that Scott started to use his inhaler again, just like old times, even she felt weaker, catching herself touching her scar more than before.

The pack stopped talking to each other, sometimes not even noticing one and another. The only people who kept talking were Stiles and Flora, whispering in the halls, nervously looking around, acting suspiciously. Always jumping away from each other when Lydia showed up, ready to help them find the bodies Parrish took.

The three of them struggled with finding the Nemeton, always driving around the woods, searching for something that doesn't want to be found. Neither of them wanted to do something as radical as almost drowning themselves in ice water again just to find an old tree.

Liam was the only one who found his way to Flora, introducing her to Hayden. She was the only one he made himself talk to.

It flattered her that Liam wanted them to know each other in case something went wrong. Liam knew that Flora was the first one who knew (besides Stiles) that Scott was a werewolf and he knew that if anyone would try helping Hayden with any confusion it would be her.

Same with Corey and Mason. Both of them found themselves on the doorstep of Flora's house, smiling when her father let them in.

Theo watched how Flora was the only one who kept the contacts going around and it only proved that he was one step closer to finishing his plan.

"Open the glove compartment," Theo advised Scott as they drove out of school after the Dread Doctors came for Corey.

Scott listened and opened the compartment, hesitating a little.

"It belonged to Stiles," Theo spoke up when Scott pulled out a spanner with drops of blood on it. "He dropped it at the school."

A line formed between Scott's eyebrows, his eyes still on the tool in his hand. "Dopped it when?" He frowned.

"When he killed Donovan." He said after a couple of seconds of silence.

Scott stared at Theo. "What are you talking about?"

"You know he hurt his shoulder, right?" Theo continued explaining, trying not to smirk. "You smelled the blood."

Scott shook his head, trying to come up with an excuse. "That was the jeep. He said the Jeep's hood fell on him."

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