The Big Breakout

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Chapter thirty-one

The Big Breakout

The Big Breakout

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"There's four steps."

Scott, Liam, Kira, and Malia stood around the kitchen table in the McCall household while Stiles started explaining the plan he came up with the previous night.

"We get into Eichen, we get into the Closed Unit, we get the girls, get out." Stiles spread out plans of the building on the table, not bothering to stop his ranting.

Scott nodded when his best friend stopped talking. "And we have to do all of this while getting past orderlies, guards, electric door locks, and a Mountain Ash barrier." He added with a sigh.

"You have a plan for all of that?" Malia raised her eyebrows. Of course, she wanted to get the girls out but it seemed overly complicated and a lot could go wrong.

Stiles moved his stare from the screen of his laptop to Malia and pulled out the employee card he stole the previous night. "I stole this last night off an orderly." He bragged, showing it off. "But it's useless because they reset the codes each night."

Kira gazed at the card and then at him. "So why did you take it?"

"I'm getting to that." Stiles rolled his eyes.

Scott saw how tense the boy was so he started talking instead. "The only way to get Lydia and Flora out of Eichen is to make that key card work again." He explained, pointing that the piece of plastic in Stiles' hand.

"How are you going to do that?" Liam asked, ready to go in.

Stiles was getting annoyed by all the questioned so he just turned the laptop towards the pack, making the screen face the three teens. "I pulled all the history off the key card." He started pointing to the data on the screen. "Two weeks ago, there was a brownout, and the security system rebooted."

Malia was still a little behind all the technical stuff, so she just kept nodding and hoped that she would know the basics.

"During a reboot, all of the key cards revert back to a default code." Stiles specified, knowing that his friends had a problem understanding. "So, if we trigger a reboot..."

"-the card goes back to the default code," Liam spoke up, surprising everyone.

Kira shook her head, her dark hair moving around her slim face. "How are we going to cause a brownout?" She questioned, not feeling confident about the whole situation.

"That's your part," Scott announced. "You're going to draw power from the mainline."

Kira furrowed her eyebrows, not feeling confident enough to go with the plan.

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