On The Edge

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Chapter twenty

On The Edge

On The Edge

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Flora let out a yawn and looked at the clock Stiles had on his wall. She tried not to panic but it's been an hour since they separated their ways and the boy still hasn't shown up and every time the girl called it went straight to his voice mail.

"Please pick up." She mumbled into the phone, only to hear 'Hey, it's Stiles, I can't talk right now, you know what to do'.

The blonde let out a frustrated groan and tugged on her messy hair, walking around his room. She trusted Stiles but she didn't trust the world around them, especially after what happened with Tracy.

Her heart skipped a beat when her phone buzzed, showing that she got a message.

I stopped by the Station, don't wait up.

The girl stared at the phone screen with confusion. Stiles always ended his texts with 'love you' and she was pretty sure that he would tell her to stay in his room for him, but maybe Stiles needed space and she wanted to give him that.
Flora didn't want to be the type of girlfriend who would cling to her boyfriend and suffocate him with questions or no space.

So she wrote him a small message on a piece of paper, putting it down on the bed she made for him before walking out of his room. She locked the front door and walked towards her house, not noticing the blue jeep standing next to the trees they had on the street.

Stiles was anxiously biting his nails as he watched the girl enter her house, relieved that he stayed unnoticed in the darkness of the night. He waited until the light on Young's porch turned off before sneaking into his own house.

The teenage boy slowly closed the door to his room, letting out a whimper when he realized that he was finally alone. He didn't bother to turn on his lights until he closed curtains in his room, not wanting the girl next door to know that he was home.

When he was walking from his window he noticed the small piece of paper on his bed.

'Please text me when you see this, I'm worried about you.
Love you'

Stiles crumbled the paper and threw it in the trash, not knowing what to do.

Flora would hate him if she knew what he did to Donovan, she wouldn't just hate him, she would despise him - at least that's what the boy thought.

He somehow managed to get her back after what happened with the Nogitsune and now he killed a person without an evil spirit controlling him.

She wouldn't even look at him if she knew.

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