Condemnation of Memory

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Chapter twenty-eight

Condemnation of Memory

Condemnation of Memory

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"I have been here a long time, Lydia."

Flora tiredly blinked when she heard a female voice in the room.

"I know when patients are pretending." The female worker spat, looking down at the strawberry blonde. "Manipulating to get what they want." She harshly grabbed the side of Lydia's face, turning it to face her. "You're not getting out of there."

"Hey." The blonde rasped, wincing when the dim light reached her eyes. "She's not pretending." She mumbled, making the female turn to her.

The curly-haired woman scoffed and walked towards the girl. "At least one of you talks." She crossed her arms. "If I were you I would stay silent." She suggested. "We can keep you here for the rest of your life."

Flora slowly blinked, her head pounding. "Our friends will get us out." She murmured, too tired to talk.

The woman snickered and kneeled next to Flora's bed. "What friends?"

The blonde scrunched her eyebrows, realizing that she didn't know. "I-" She stopped herself from talking. She didn't remember anyone from her life.

"That's what I thought." The woman spat and left the room.

Flora's lower lip started trembling as she tried so hard to remember anyone from her life but she only recognized the faces in her mind, not names.
She saw a brown-haired boy with hazel eyes and a freckled face but she couldn't remember his name or who he was.

She saw a tan dark-haired boy with a tattoo on his bicep with red, glowing eyes but his name was nowhere to be found in her memory.

She saw so many faces but not a single name.

Her head slowly turned to the girl she shared the cold room with and let a tear slide down her temple, hitting the flat pillow that was underneath her head. "Lyds." Her voice was barely a whisper but she recognized her, she knew the girl on the other bed. "Please wake up." She whimpered, feeling the salty water on her face.

Lydia was seeing what was happening, she was watching it from the corner of the room but she just couldn't bring herself to wake up, she didn't know how. She felt sorry for herself and her best friend. Almost three years ago their only problems were school outfits and boys but now they were locked in a mental institution.

Flora's vision was clouded by her tears when she saw that her best friend wasn't reacting at all. Her head ached from the ridiculous therapy Valack did on her three times already and her mind was getting messier and messier.

And as much as her head hurt, her body ached even more. The girl's body begged for her to move, to stretch her legs and arms but the leather straps that created deep purple bruises on her body didn't let her.

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