Loss Of Innocence

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Chapter nineteen

Loss Of Innocence

Loss Of Innocence

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Flora sat on Stiles' bed and watched him write on his board. "Are you not going to write about the guys in the masks?"

Stiles stopped himself from writing another clue on the see-through board and turned towards his girlfriend. "You believe her?"

The blonde scrunched her eyebrows and sat up straight. "You don't?" She asked with a hint of shock in her voice.

The boy put down the white pencil. "She suggested killing Tracy." He pointed out.

Flora stood up. "You weren't exactly against it either." She implied, putting her hand on his chest. "I trust her and I think you should too." Her voice was gentle as she gave him a peck on his lips. "Goodnight."

"You're not staying?" Stiles turned around, watching the girl put on her jacket.

"There's something I need to discuss with my dad." She sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

Stiles nodded. "Love you." He called after her.

A smile appeared on Flora's face. "I love you too!" She called back, stepping down the stairs.

The girl pulled the jacket closer to her body while jogging towards her house, letting out a deep breath when she entered the Young household. "Dad?" She put her jacket on the hanger and called out for her father.

"In the kitchen!" The familiar voice of Ian Young called back. "I'm trying to make Lasagna but I don't think it's going too well," Ian said when the girl entered the room.

Flora scrunched her nose in disgust when she saw how Ian's Lasagna looked. "There's a reason why it's me who cooks dad." She clapped his shoulder and walked towards the fridge, pulling out a Capri Sun. "Can I ask you something?"

The man hummed as he threw his creation into the trashcan, clearly disappointed. "What's up?" He clapped his hands and sat on a barstool they had in the kitchen.

Flora pouted and shook her head. "You gave me this, right?" She lifted her finger and took off the golden ring, putting it on the table in front of the man.

Ian grabbed the jewelry and nodded. "Of course, it means your name." He grinned and put it back down, watching as his daughter sat on the stool in front of him.

Flora nodded with a sweet smile, putting her hands underneath her chin. "So where is your ring dad?"

Ian slowly put down his beer, his eyes moving to his ring finger. "I took it off because I was washing the dishes." He came up with a lie pretty quickly.

The blonde nodded again, playing with her own ring. "You never do the dishes, you always put it straight into the dishwasher." She popped her lips, catching the man in a lie. "Want to hear a funny story?"

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