Wired (part 9): fixing things

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A.N.:/// (art: Merlin buiding a time turner. Or rather: trying to)

So, I'm at the point of the story, where I'm getting tired and my mind distracts me from writing this, with new story ideas that want to be developped.
I'm trying to pick up the last pieces of the different plot points now. I'm fairly certain the next chapter will be the last. And it's supposed to be an epilogue.
A little like the introduction, but to wrap up the entire thing :)
Sadly enough, I have upset some people with my ship decision. I don't regret it. I like how that turned out.
I'm just sorry I didn't name the ship earlier. Don't like/ Don't read doesn't work, if I don't put the right tags in soon enough and people get surprised in between.
Although, In my defense, I didn't know the turn out until it already happened either. My main focus was the concept of Dragoon turning in time, not romance. Even though the focus switched after he went through the veil.
It'll be like that sometimes.
I hope you can forgive me for the late disclaimer.


Arthur was training with the knights, as he watched Gwen walk over to Lancelot to speak with him. She waved at Arthur, sending him one last glance, to ask, if he was really okay with this.
Arthur send her two thumbs up, then turned back to correct Gwaine's stance.

Lancelot seemed a bit perplexed by whatever Gwen was saying, then he let her lead him off the training field.
Arthur took a deep breath and was almost glad, as Gwaine swung the maze at his head.

Arthur wasn't listening to whatever Gwaine was saying. He was too far into his own head, too focused on the fight. Gwaine may not be as good as Arthur was with a sword or maze, but he made up for it with his creativity and his reflexes.
He WAS one of Arthur's best knights for a reason. So, naturally, Arthur couldn't afford to look away.
In a close distance, Merlin was polishing a couple of boots and armor with magic. (11)
Arthur really tried to get used to the sight. But to be honest, it was distracting him. A lot.
Merlin had been watching Arthur, too, for a while, but right now, his head was turned to where Gwen and Lance had been conversing earlier.
He looked confused and suspicious. He too, must remember Dragoon's warning.
Lancelot as a pawn to destroy their Arthur's and Gwen's relationship....

Then he noticed Arthur watching him and they locked eyes for a moment. Instantly distracted, Arthur got instantly knocked off his feet by Gwaine.
Arthur heard over his own heaving breath, how armor and boots fell to the ground and Merlin rushed over.

"Everything alright?", Merlin asked and knelt next to him, while Gwaine reached out a hand, for Arthur to grab and stand up.
Arthur gladly took it and pulled himself up.
"It's nothing, I'm fine.", Arthur said and puncged himself on the chestplate, right where Gwaine had hit him to prove just how fine he was. It hurt like hell.
He hissed at himself.

"You should get that looked after, come with me.", Merlin rolled his eyes and grabbed Arthur by the arm. Gwaine held up both hands in exasperation as Merlin glared at him.

"I get hit by mazes and swords all the time! I got attacked by BEES yesterday! Finally I get ONE hit in and now I'm the bad guy? Are you serious?"
"Well done, Gwaine. Go hit on Leon.", Arthur patted him on the shoulder, letting himself be lead back to the castle. Without as much complaining as one would have expected.
Which was only a sign for Merlin that this accident had serious consequences and need immediate tending to.

"Gwaine, do NOT hit on me!", Leon kicked Elyan (whom he was training with) in a not very knightly move and used the distraction to sprint off the field.
"One of these days, Leon. I will get you.", Gwaine didn't run after him, but he narrowed his eyes like a man who had all the time in the world to get his prey.
"I always get what I want."

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