Idiots in Love 1

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In my defense:
A) I've been watching too much Bridgerton
B) This is hella fun. So, you're welcome.


"Sire, now that Lord Agravaine is gone-"

"He is dead, Gaius. And he betrayed Camelot. I do not wish to be reminded of him."

"I just mean, you need to choose a new advisor, your highness."

Arthur sighed and buried his face in his hands. It was a rather cold day. Moody, and hung over with clouds. The weather was mirroring Arthur's emotional state perfectly. It was hardly fair, he thought, to spring this onto him so soon. It had only been a couple days since Agravaine had been revealed a traitor. One who was conspiring with Morgana to lead Camelot into ruin. Neither had it been Arthur's first betrayal, nor did it seem to be the last. "I don't want a new advisor."

Gaius looked tired. Then again, the old man always looked rather tired. In fact, Arthur was pretty sure that Gaius' face had been designed to look that way. It had something of molten cheese. Well, that was a rather rude description Arthur had come up with as a child, and he did feel guilty for sticking to it, yet it seemed oddly fitting. Still, for someone who had such an expressionistic face, Gaius liked to keep it rather- monotonous. Gaius looked at Arthur just like that now, calm and collected and not at all bothered by the consequences of his suggestion. "I understand. But the people will wonder why you are so reluctant to choose a new advisor. They might think that you do no longer trust your own decisions, nor the people around you."

"Well, perhaps they are right." Arthur clipped at him snarly. "Leave me alone, Gaius." In fact, Arthur doubted that he could trust Gaius either. Apparently, neither status, years of loyalty, blood relations, nor a long lasting friendship could nowadays be counted on. Arthur had come out of this war feeling like a fool.

Gaius' tired eyes turned sad. "Sire, if I may-"

"You may not." Arthur stood up sternly. "I wish for you to leave this room, Gaius. I shall call on you again when I need you. But right now -" Arthur swallowed. "I would like some time alone."

Gaius paused for nearly a minute before he bowed his head. Whatever he had been contemplating, he seemed to have come to the conclusion that it was best to listen to Arthur. And since when was that even a thing? That people needed to contemplate whether or not to listen to him? He was the KING! For goodness sake, did that not mean anything anymore?

Gaius left the room and Arthur behind and Arthur went after him to lock the door. As soon as it clicked shut, Arthur leaned his forehead against the frame.


"I know these tunnels, Agravaine does not. I'm going to distract them."

Stupid, loyal, kind Merlin, always going out of his way to do the stupidest things known to mankind. He had left before Arthur could stop him, or knock some sense into him. It was only natural that Arthur went after him. No matter what Tristan may believe, Arthur cared about Merlin. Merlin was his best friend! It was tough to admit on most days, but in moments like these, it was clear as day. And Arthur could not afford to lose him.

Yet, that was what he was stumbling into. Loss.

Merlin was facing off against Agravaine. Arthur had only been mere paces behind, barely able to hide when Agravaine and his man stormed past Arthur's hiding spot. Merlin stood with his back to the wall, facing Agravaine like the stupid moron he was. Arthur wanted to go between them, protect Merlin at all costs, perhaps even kill the traitor that Agravaine was, but Merlin spoke before Arthur could come up with a way to distract or overwhelm Agravaine's men.

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