The last Dragonlord 2

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A.N.:// HEHEHEEEEE I really love where this is going


Arthur pushed himself from the ground, rubble falling from his back and dust invading his lungs. He coughed it all out. His sword lay abandoned a couple meters to his right, so he scrambled over to pick it up. As he tried to catch his breath, tried to understand what had happened, he had to block out the screaming orders around him for a moment. A single fact plagued his mind: Merlin was a traitor.

He stood there for a while, eyes directed unseeing at the ground, breath heaving and close to tears when Sarrum suddenly approached him. "You really didn't know, did you?" His voice sounded unusually soft, although it had a mocking tone to it as he observed Arthur's desperation. "What am I thinking, of course you didn't. Magic in Camelot is punishable by death. You wouldn't keep a blasted Dragonlord around." The words cut deep and Arthur had to bite his lip as Sarrum sent guards after Merlin and then pulled his sword out of the wall behind him. Sarrum turned to Arthur, sword clinking uselessly, almost amicably against Arthur's. "Let's go."

"Go where?"

"Did you hit your head? Your traitor stole my dragon. You're gonna help me get it back and then you'll execute him." He walked ahead, no regard for Arthur's state of mind whatsoever.

At that moment, the door to the dungeon slammed open and Lancelot and the knights stormed in. "Sire!" Lancelot yelled from above as they quickly made their way downstairs.

Sarrum let them through and nodded at Arthur as if to encourage him to give an order. "Follow as soon as you're ready." Maybe he also understood that the betrayal cut deep. He was a King too, he surely knew what it felt like to be betrayed by someone who had served him for as long as Merlin had. Then he followed the guards back out, probably to examine the levels of destruction above.

Arthur's entire expression shifted into one of utter despair. He would have to order his knights to hunt and kill Merlin.

Lancelot was by him a moment later, just as the door slammed shut and Sarrum disappeared. "Sire, is everything alright?

Arthur closed his eyes before schooling his face into a determined expression. The other knights quietly joined Lancelot. "Merlin is a traitor." Arthur began, every word tasting like bile on his tongue. "He freed the dragon with magic. He's- he's a -. I need you -" He paused heavily, "I need you to go after him. And-"

"You need to calm down, Sire." Lancelot suddenly cut in, shocking Arthur to the core. Lancelot was his most loyal knight. He rarely ever interrupted him. "Merlin told us that we would find you here. Did Sarrum hurt you?"

Arthur laughed incredulously. "Are you telling me you came here because Merlin ordered you to?!" The knights exchanged a glance. "What, he came towards you on a fucking DRAGON and you decided it was a good idea to listen to his orders?!" Arthur nearly shrieked. Even without all the drama, Merlin was a SERVANT, they shouldn't be listening to him to begin with.

This time, Gwaine side glanced at Lancelot before approaching Arthur nervously. "Well, it was rather sudden and he seemed to be worried to have left you alone with King Sarrum. We figured that your safety was more important. Also, it was kind of intimidating, he sat on a dragon of all things and his eyes were blazing -"

"YES, because he used MAGIC!" Arthur yelled at him. "We have to go after him -"

"No." Again, Lancelot looked utterly determined and almost frighteningly sure as Arthur stared at him. "Merlin's order was clear. We are to keep you safe. I'm sure he believed that Sarrum would make you responsible for his actions -"

Merlin's magic (Oneshots) 1Where stories live. Discover now