The magic child

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A.N.:// So guys, I'm EXCITED about this one.

I literally came full circle in the end. I am SO PROUD. LMAO.

Anyway. If you're wondering why Aithusa got they/them pronouns....
Honestly I'm not sure if Dragon's fit into the binary.
You could argue that since Aithusa is half human in this story, they should be gendered.
But .... I don't really see why?
I mean.... I don't recall them being gendered in the show and everything beyond that has no actual meaning for the story. Everything else is headcanon purely. So I made Aithusa nonbinary. I mean - they are five in the story, so their gender doesn't really have developed yet. Let's just say Aithusa may decide their pronouns later in life and until then, everyone is just on board not to push them into a category. (Except for me. Because I envision a future nonbinary Aithusa. And since I'm the author, I'm the god of the story and they will be they forever. Muhahahah. JK. You can imagine that however you want.)
I'm not sure if I slipped up somewhere. In Germany, when you try to be gender neutral, you automatically fall back to he/him pronouns. And that happened to me during writing a few times. Until I remembered I'm writing English and have OPTIONS. Heh. :)

ALSO: I tried to be deep in the end. I had to rewrite Arthur's whole speech like... four times or something, because it was getting


Arthur knew the bastet didn't die that night. At least not the night he told his father THAT she died.
Never did he imagine to find out what happened to her after.
Or who she married.
At least not until he met her child.
A small child with the ability to shape shift into a Dragon.


Minor Morgwen



Arthur wasn't often alone.
Most of his days were filled with training and fighting, which always meant the knights were present.
Other parts of the day he spend with the council – which included the council members.
Other days he was captured and tortured and then there was always a bandit or sorcerer present.
Arthur woke up to the sound of Merlin's voice and went to sleep with the same. Not in a nasty way. Merlin was just always there to wake him up or send him off to sleep.
And Merlin was always there when Arthur called for him.
Okay – almost always. Merlin had the horrible tendency to be incompetent and disappear at random times of the day.

Still.... there was hardly any room for privacy.
People expected him to have a fixed opinion about everything. And often, they expected to know what those opinions were.
Not to mention most of his people bowed to him without questioning these opinions.

How was Arthur supposed to have his own opinions, if he was constantly faced with people whose expectations he had to fulfill? Or who kept changing their opinions based on what they thought Arthur wanted to hear. He was constantly manipulated. Or felt manipulated, because some of these people were really sneaky. Arthur tried to reach their expectations. It was an unconscious thing. Everybody does that.

Arthur preferred people who challenged him openly. Talked topics out with him without raising expectations at all. Who just showed him his options, so he could calculate more realistically.
There was a huge difference between a noble who told him he had been wronged in some strangely subjective way and a servant who showed him the unfair payment calculations for all servants regardless of gender or religion or heritages compared to each other.
Arthur preferred challenges. People who didn't hide their hopes for the future. Who showed him how Camelot could be better than it ever was.
That was one of the reasons why he fell in love with Guinevere. Granted, that didn't work out well, since the maidservant already had a relationship partner. But he loved the way she verbally slapped him for being an arrogant prat.
For dismissing servants. For mistreating the poor. For not knowing he did that, because he was too used to his priviliges.

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