The magic realm (part 6)

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Damn , there is a lot going on in this chapter.
Half of those things I didn't see coming, but i find they make perfect sense. Anyway... have fun :)
I really hope the weekend will come soon. Work needs a lot more attention than usual lately. U cannot imagine the amount of sugar I keep craving. (I'm a sugar addict, I'm doing my best to keep it down. But my god, is that hard lately XD)

(The art above would fit better with "sleepy", but..... nah. I put it here, because I found it turned out extremely cute :3

My insta is linked in my bio. (As is my redbubble. *hint hint*. Which I still have no idea how it works. *less enthusiastic hint hint*)


Arthur was waiting. Something would happen, he just knew it. He was holding the sword he was supposed to shape for Merlin, the one that still looked exactly like a translucent Excalibur.
It felt similar too, but it wasn't yet complete.
Arthur swirled through the sea for a while. Watching shadows pass him and sending him curious glances.
But none of them approached him.

The deeper Arthur dived, the darker it got. And eventually, he saw snippets of memories taking shape.
Things he knew, things he remembered being replayed before him.

Arthur's mind flinched every time. He expected one of them to talk to him and explain to him what was happening. But no one did.
Apart from the glances, no one turned around.
And the memories were always incomplete. Other times they finished each other, without belonging where they latched on to.
Arthur didn't understand half of these memories. But he watched them anyway, hoping to find what he was searching for.
Though he didn't even know what he was searching for in the first place.

Arthur stood before a small camp in a cave, an image of his own hurt self sleeping at the fire. He looked tired and calm, as though in a state of healing.
On the other side, whispering in hushed voices, were Balinor and Merlin.

The king had never had the chance to actually talk with Balinor. Except for a small fight that ended just as it had begun. Balinor refusing to help them save Camelot from the great dragon and Arthur being angry and hopeless.
Balinor never seemed to like him much. Balinor seemed to like Merlin much better. Merlin must have said something to him. Something that changed his mind to the point he was willing to help his enemy.
Maybe they shared a bond as dragon lords, Arthur guessed.

Merlin looked eerily nervous, as he was talking to the man who did not meet his eyes: "Are you Balinor?"

Arthur sat down beside his friend to watch him talk to this man who refused to save an entire kingdom. He was curious to see what Merlin was going to say to this man.
Balinor did not seem to recognize him. So they didn't know each other. Not yet, at least.
No secret Dragon lord alliance. Or resistance or whatever.
For some reason, Merlin looked torn by simply talking to him.

Was he, perhaps, insecure and mad at himself, because he did not dare show Arthur that he was a dragon lord himself?

Merlin had confessed to that only last night. Last night seemed so long ago.
But not as long ago as Balinor's death.
Was Merlin sitting here, knowing he could save Camelot, but was too cowardly to come forth with his magic to do so? That didn't sound like Merlin at all.

"The Great Dragon is attacking Camelot.", Merlin explained to Balinor.
Balinor was still avoiding him. "His name is Kilgharrah."
Merlin fumbled with his hands. "Well, we can't stop him. Only you, a dragonlord, can."

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